Thursday 16 December 2021

Full Day with Freya (Dec.14, 2021)

I had a busy day working and Jason had a busy day entertaining Freya.

I planned on running on the treadmill at lunch time but we got a dump of snow so I went out and shoveled for my lunch hour instead.

I got this hand print kit at a second hand store that's been around for awhile and it finally got used today.
Jason did it with her.

He had to improvise a bit because it started to harden before she got a really good handprint in it but they figured it out.
This will be a good memento to have.

Haylee had to work tonight and Kody got called back out to work so he had a long night.
So we had Freya all day and all night.
We didn't mind though, we love having her around.

When I finished work, I just sat in the living room and enjoyed my tree for a bit.
I love this time of year - love the decorations and the lights and the tree.

Freya was pretty wired - a little ball of energy.

She and Papa did some magic tricks for my entertainment.
Maestro Jason and his magic trick with is assistant Freya.

Freya's magic trick

Magic trick take two.

Ta Da!

Let's make a smoothie Papa.

They started a new game - backpack.
Basically she got in his backpack and he carried her around.

Freya thought it was pretty great and it's a good workout for Jason too.

It was pretty late by the time that Kody came to pick her up, almost 11 pm.
We likely would have kept her for the night again but Jason had to work in the morning and I had a busy coming up too.

We were both pretty exhausted so as soon as Freya and Kody left, it was off to bed for us.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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