Wednesday 29 December 2021

Letters for Santa and Christmas Crafting Prep (Dec.16, 2021)

 I had a really busy day at work today, lots of meetings and just trying to get everything caught up for the Christmas break.

When Freya was at school yesterday, they mailed letters to Santa.

I love that they got this picture of her doing that.

We got more snow unfortunately.

We will definitely be having a white Christmas here.
I took these before pictures because after work I went out and shoveled for an hour but forgot to take after pictures.

Adrien and Mel went Christmas shopping so they dropped the kids off for a couple hours and I got them to pose for pictures for the sleigh ornaments that I want to make.

Alivia's expression is perfect!
I'm going to have them back over on the weekend to work on making a few crafty Christmas decorations that I have planned.

This is Freya's first year in school and so of course, she had her first Christmas concert.
Unfortunately, the public wasn't allowed in to watch due to Covid which was really a bummer but the school did record it and then upload it to their website so everyone could watch.

So here it is, Freya's first school Christmas Concert.
She's in the back, far left and looks like she is totally bored.
I wish they would have picked a more upbeat song for the kids to do but I still loved watching it!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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