Friday 3 December 2021

Run 5K a Day in November Complete! (Nov.30, 2021)

We finished up the conference yesterday so I had the whole day.

We decided to wait until we got home to work out so that we could just go out and get our stuff done then get home.

I wanted to go to Costco and Superstore for groceries.

We also made stops at Bulk Barn, Walmart and a spot to pick up something for Tanner.

Then we stopped at a couple of bakeries but nothing looked appealing to us so we ended up going to the Italian Market to pick up a couple of sandwiches then we headed home.

It was right around 3 when we left the city and we got home just after 5.

As per usual, the roads were clear and the weather was perfect right until we were 10 k outside of town then it started snowing/raining.

At least we were pretty much home by then.

We unloaded everything into the house and put it all away then I went down and hopped on the treadmill.

It's the last day of November and I've run 5k every day so far so there was no way I was going to miss today. 

I didn't give it my all out but I did get 3.723 miles or 5.992 km.

Sweaty selfie.
I was happy to have it done and I'm proud that I accomplished my running goals for this month.

I am definitely going to take a break from running tomorrow but then I need to come up with a new goal for December.

I had picked up a sandwich for Kody as well so he came over to pick it up and brought Freya with him.
She wanted to sleep over so of course we let her.
She has school tomorrow so Haylee will just come pick her up in the morning and take her to school.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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