Friday 10 December 2021

Rob's Birthday Dinner (Dec.5, 2021)

 Hunter did come over this morning around 9:30 and he and hung out for the day.

We watched a Christmas movie together.

A Boy Called Christmas
I wasn't sure at first but it turned out to be a really cute movie.
I think Hunter liked it too.

I was having the family over for supper to celebrate my brother Rob's birthday that we missed last week so I had a few things to get ready.

I made sloppy joe's to eat so that was pretty easy.

I also baked a cake and Hunter helped me decorate it.

I got everyone to come over a bit earlier than normal in hopes we could get everything done and scoot everyone out of there before Jason got home.
I got a good group shot of everyone except Hunter.

He was sitting by the back door playing his game.

Freya helped Rob blowout the candles.

It was nice to have everyone over, we made plans for everyone to come back next weekend and maybe make crafts or cookies or something.
Doesn't really matter what, as long as we are hanging out together.

Freya wanted to spend the night but Jason was still sick so she couldn't.
I did get Kody to let her stay and visit with me for a bit though.

We took selfies.

Had to get a silly one in.
He came back and got her just after 7, before Jason got home.

I hope he's feeling better soon - not just so we can have Freya spend the night but mainly because being sick sucks!

I just sat and enjoyed my holiday decorations.

I love this time of the year, it looks so pretty.

I'll take another tour like I did last year and post it up after I get my tree up.

I did need to go down and hop on the treadmill for a bit to get the rest of my steps in for the day.

Felt good to get it done.
I haven't been outside for a run in a few days - I'm really nervous of running on the ice but I also am worried that I'm going to lose the momentum I had going.
I am going to really have to try to make sure that I get out for an outdoor run at least once a week if possible and I'm absolutely going to have to make a point of running on the treadmill if I can't.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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