Wednesday 29 December 2021

Christmas Shopping Complete (Dec.22, 2021)

I hopped on the treadmill on my lunch hour.

I got a pretty good workout in - didn't get to go as long as I wanted because I had a little visitor and she accidentally pulled the magnet off so the times all reset to zero.

I left work a bit early today and headed to Whitecourt to do some last minute Christmas shopping.

I had a few stops to make and it took me a few hours but I got everything done that I needed to.

I stopped at Panago and got a couple pizzas to take home for supper for Jason and I.

I did have to pop onto the treadmill again when I got home so that I could get the rest of my steps in for the day.

It didn't take long to get done what I needed.

Then I sat down and did some more wrapping and Jason gave me a hand.

We watched another Christmas classic while we wrapped,

The Polar Express.

We got it all done and I'm so stoked about that - I'm so grateful that he helped me out.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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