Monday 3 May 2021

Beautiful Discovery in Whitecourt (Apr.29, 2021)

We had a little guest for the night last night.

For a minute there when we were going to be, we couldn't find her - turned out she was hiding in the closet.

She thought it was hilarious that we were looking for her.

She didn't want to come out either!

Cuddles with my girl this morning.

I made myself a delicious breakfast plate.

She 'helped' me eat my breakfast.
She just loves eggs and ate the whole thing.

It was kind of a grey day out there but we went out for a walk at lunch time anyway.

There were lots of puddles so she was happy.

I love her little warrior cry as she's running through.

Needless to say, her pants and socks were soaked.
She didn't complain one bit though.

So proud of herself.

This afternoon while I worked, she helped Papa make dough.

I'm not sure how much of a 'help' she was,

She sure did enjoy herself though.

After that, they played together for a while putting on make up.
First Freya applied it on herself.

Then she did Papa's.

Then Papa held her baby for her while she did her make up.
So sweet.

Kody came and picked her up later in the afternoon then after work, Jason and I headed to Whitecourt.
We needed a few groceries.

We did the shopping then went for a walk in Rotary Park, I still needed to get some steps in.

It was bit nicer in WCT then it was back home.

We followed this new path we found and ended up discovering a gorgeous path that runs along the river.

It's all paved and the views are amazing.
There was barely anyone using it either.



This area was flooded really badly last summer I guess.
I never even knew it existed until today.

For sure we will be back and often.

We saw a few random birdhouses along the walk.

This one even had a little picket fence around it.

The paved part is a path for bikers, walkers only, no motorized vehicles.
It's really great.

We walked as far as we could go then sat and enjoyed the view for a bit.

As we got back to Rotary Park, two geese flew in and landed on the pond and the sun was setting and it looked really pretty.

Haylee posted this cute picture of Freya - she just makes the cutest faces.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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