Wednesday 19 May 2021

Really Mother Nature? Snow in May? (May 18, 2021)

 It was a totally yucky day out there today, just raining cats and dogs.

Kody called to see if we could watch Freya and I told him to bring her on over.

Jason was out for a super long run (he ended up doing 23 k) but I figured I could watch her until he got back.

After humming and hawing over it for a bit and then finally decided to not be a baby about it and get out there and run anyway.

I was just about to call Kody and ask him to wait an hour to drop off Freya but he got to my place before I had a chance so I ended up skipping the run.

I hung out with her for my lunch hour and figured I would just go run after work.
I was hoping that the weather might get better.

Jason had to run out for a short time to wash his truck and so Freya was in the living room for a bit by herself as I was still working.
It was really quiet out there so I went to check if she'd fallen asleep.
No, she hadn't.
She did however find a bottle of hair conditioner in the bathroom and she poured it all over this old cell phone I gave her.

It was just covered.
Ha ha.
At least it didn't get anywhere else.
Just goes to show you can't really leave children unattended for any length of time.
I cleaned it up lickety split so it was no big deal.

After work, the weather hadn't improved any, in fact, it had gotten worse.
It was a full on snow storm out there.

So I ditched the idea of an outdoor run and hopped on the treadmill instead.
I ran the whole time.
I did a song at 4.0, then a song at 4.1 and so on all the way up to 5.0 then I worked my way back down.

It was a really good work out and as you can see, I was sopping wet when I finished.

Nadine came over again tonight and we cut out some more stencils on the cricut.

We had leftovers for supper again and Jason had the ice cream cake out.

There was a ton of it leftover from Sunday and I had to admit, I had a piece.
It was super good and totally worth it.
Hopefully my workout counter balances some of the damage.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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