Monday 10 May 2021

Making Funny Faces (May 7, 2021)

 It's Friday, my favorite day of the week.

I made myself a delicious breakfast.

At lunch I hopped on the treadmill - it was not very nice outdoors.
It has been awhile since I did a 1 and 1 workout so that's what I did.
I started the first minute of running at 4.0, the next was 4.2, then 4.4 and so on all the way up to 7.0 then I worked my way back down.

It's a hard work out but a good work out and I was soaked when I finished.

Jason got this awesome shot of this owl at work today.
Looks like he is posing so nicely for a picture.

I needed a few things in Whitecourt so after work, Mom and I headed there for a quick trip.
It was so quick that we were back at the house by 7:30.
Not bad seeing as WCT is almost an hour away.

Freya came to spend the night with us.

She wanted a bubba and a cuddle first thing.

Making faces for the camera.

Sometimes she is really into it and sometimes she just isn't but today was one of those days where she wanted to make faces for the camera.

Showing Grandma how to make faces.

I saw this before but it's still just as funny!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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