Monday 24 May 2021

Happy Birthday Hunter (May 23, 2021)

It was another nice day out there today - unusual for the May long weekend but I'll take it!


After my coffee, I got ready to head out for a run.

Took some selfies first.

My new caps with the ponytail holes came in so I tested one out today.
It not only helped to keep the sun out of my eyes but it kept the sweat out too.

I did my regular 8 k route.

So far, my splits aren't really improving any - not going to worry about it though.
I'm still going way faster than if I was at home sitting on the couch!

Did my hair again, WHAT%$!@
That's three times in one week - it might be a record.

So of course, that called for some selfies to be taken.

Back view.

Today is Hunter's birthday and they were out camping so invited us to come visit and have cake.

I stopped for snacks and picked up some shaved honey ham for Hunter because he loves it so much.
He was pretty stoked and starting chowing down on it right away, right out of the package.

It was a lovely day out there, perfect for spending outside.

We sat around and visited.
I ate - luckily I had brought healthy snacks along with me.
I had cherries, blueberries, boom chicka pop and diet ginger ale.
I didn't just stick to that though unfortunately.

I remembered that I had trail mix in the car and I broke into that even though I'd promised myself that I was going to stay away from it.
I also had a burger (I did skip the bun) and a piece of cake.

I'm pretty sure it's going to not be good for my weigh in.
I've been slacking lately on the WW front.

I had a few days last week and a few days this week where I didn't track my points.
I didn't go crazy or anything but I need to reign that in.
Things could go sideways really quickly if I let them.

I have been doing really well with exercise though so kudos to me for that.

Rob came out to join us then Kody, Freya and Haylee showed up right behind him.

Just having snacks.

Grandma and her girl.

Adrien said he's been feeding the birds in the mornings and they just come right over and eat out of his hand so Kody gave it a try.

She saw Daddy do it so she had to try it too.

Attempting to feed the birdies.

She climbed up on Hunter's little trike - it used to Mel's when she was little so it's been around for a long time.

Mel got the helmet on her to take her for a ride.

It was a bit big on her though so Mel got Hunter's bike helmet for her instead.

He picked it out because it reminded him of Godzilla who he happens to be enthralled with at the moment.

Off for a spin on the trike.

Back we come.

Hunter happened to have a few friends staying at the same campground so he spent most of the day playing with them.
He did come back and visit for a few minutes here and there though.

For some reason he decided to sit on the other side of the road to eat his supper.
Silly boy.

Time for cake.

Happy Birthday Hunter!

Watching Hunter blow out all his candles.

Alivia and mom.

Cake time.

Hunter stuck around long enough to eat some cake then he was off again.

Took Freya for a walk around the little campground.

She's getting so grown up.

Alivia came with us.

Back to trying to feed the birds again.
They really like hot dogs of all things!

Still trying to feed the birds.

Patience required.

Which hand birdies?


As soon as Papa arrives, guess where Freya wants to be?

Kody still waiting patiently.

Still waiting.

His patience was rewarded!

We hung out at the campground until close to 9 pm.
Went for a few more walks.
Jason brought some Tres Leches and I had a slice of it - yummy!

When the mosquitos started to come out and the evening chill started to set in, we called it a night.
We told Freya she could spend the night.
Kody was going to drop her off but she fell asleep almost immediately when they got in the car so he just took her home.

All that fresh air made me tired so we called it a night not long after we got home.

Tomorrow is a holiday but I'm going to work so I'll appreciate the early night when my alarm goes off in the morning.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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