Wednesday 5 May 2021

Covid Vaccination Part 1 (May 3, 2021)

 Weigh In Day

I weighed in at 187.0 lbs.

That means I'm up 2.2 lbs since last week.
Kind of disheartening but also, I can't really say that I was completely surprised.

We had pizza on Friday and I went a bit overboard then I snacked here and there on Saturday and Sunday and wasn't very diligent about tracking my points.

I know I definitely went over my weeklies.

That's ok though, just going to pick myself up, dust myself off and do better this week.

I had an appointment at 10:50 at the pharmacy to get my Covid 19 vaccination.

I asked the pharmacist if I could take a picture and he actually had one of the clerks come over to do it for me so I would be relaxed.
She ended up taking a video - As you can see, I barely even noticed that he did it.

I got jabbed today and I'm so excited.

I stopped by the post office before heading home and I had two parcels in.
I love getting parcels.

I got two new tops and a new pair of leggings.\
This was one of the tops.

I had some fruit for a snack while I was working.
Honey Crisp apple - my favorite - also the most expensive!

At lunch time, Jason had an appointment to get his covid vaccination.
So I biked down there to meet him and take a video of him getting his shot.

Second jab of the day for this family.
We will likely have to wait 4 months now until we can get the next shot but it feels like a cause for celebration, a bit of a light at the end of this loooooong Covid tunnel.

We were on our bikes and could hear laughter from Kody's backyard so stopped by for a quick visit.
Zepplyn and Crystal were there visiting.

They were both so excited to see Jason.
We didn't stay long because I had to get back to work but later in the afternoon, Kody, Haylee, Freya and Zepplyn dropped by to visit.

When Kody and Haylee were ready to go home, the girls didn't want to go so we said we'd drive them down in the bike trailer.

Ready to go.

We made a pit stop at the park.

Holding on for dear life.

I was trying to get a nice picture of her...

but she just was not cooperating.

Silly girl.

Freya had to go to the bathroom so we took her over to her house but we had to promise that we wouldn't leave them.

So after she used the restroom they played in the yard for a bit with Jason.

Then we took them to the store for a treat.
We decided to let Freya stay for the night.

So we ended up taking them back to our place again.
Freya was looking a little tired and we figured if she had Zepplyn there to play with, we could keep her from having a nap.

Our plan worked.
The girls played for a while then Kody came and picked up Zepp and by 8:30 Freya was out and she was out for the night.

We were both tired so we headed to bed early too.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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