Tuesday 4 May 2021

Queen of Faces (May 2, 2021)

 Woke up to another sprinkle of  snow on the ground.

Someone had this posted on Facebook and I think it fit perfectly.

I got busy first thing looking for a place to stay south of Calgary and I found one!
I cancelled our rooms in Regina and went ahead and booked this place.
It looks awesome.

Jason gave Freya some mango this morning and she just loves it.

She is also the Queen of faces, I just had to include a few of them here.

I love it.

It's quite a talent if you ask me.

She knows she's a little character too!

I don't know if it's yummy or if she's just sticking her tongue out.

After breakfast, we all got ready and headed out for a walk.
Freya loves exploring and just following any little path she sees along the way.

We let her for the most part - we get way off track sometimes but that's ok.

The sun was out so we stopped for ice cream.

That's a giant ice cream for a little bitty girl.

She wanted black ice cream today but brown (chocolate) was the closest they had. 
Yes, she orders her ice cream by color, not flavor.

Then we headed over to the park to play for a little while.

She had Papa hold her ice cream while she went down the slide but then decided once she got up there that she needed one more bite before sliding down.

What a face!

Just a little chocolate on it, ha ha.

She just loves sliding.

Love her little ROAR!

Sharing her ice cream with the dinosaur.

Trying to get the splash park going - it isn't quite warm enough for that yet.

Then a bit of a swing before heading home.

We stayed and visited a bit and Freya and Jason played in the yard.

She likes her little playhouse.

Queen of her domain!

We walked back home afterwards, the long way around so I could get some extra steps in.
When we got home, Jason went out for his run but I opted to stay home and watch some tv.
I'll regret that tomorrow but I was cold and I had my 12,000 steps in so I was ok with skipping a run for the day.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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