Monday 10 May 2021

Winter is Still Hanging On (May 8, 2021)

First thing Freya wanted to do when we got up this morning was call Papa. 

Now that she knows how to use the filters, she is always wanting to try different ones out.

This one was her favorite today.

Papa was 'hiding' from scary Cat Woman Freya and she thought that was so funny.

Jason was busy cooking up cake for there bbq tomorrow.

That is one pile of berries!
Hope there's leftovers!

We were playing duckies.

I was singing the 'Five Little Ducks' song and she was doing all the actions with the ducks.

Then I got all of the lovins!

Haylee came to pick her up around noon but she didn't want to go so I said I'd walk her down in a bit.

Yup, that's freshly fallen snow, can you believe it?

That didn't bother us though, we just got dressed for it and headed out.

It's already melted off of the road, I'm sure it will melt off the lawns by the end of the day.

I took her to the store so she could pick out a present for her mom for mother's day.
She ended up getting something for herself at both stores we went to so I kind of gave up.

She got new toys for the tub.

As you can see, she was pretty excited about that.

I walked her home.
Mom was putting her right in the tub to play with her new toys so she was happy to stay.

I took a bit of a longer way home but I was starting to get a chill so I cut it short.

I had a bath when I got home to warm up.
Then I made supper for Jason and I.

Since everything was ready, we were able to eat as soon as he got home.

Then we headed out for a walk.
I still needed to get some steps in to make it to 12,000 and it was a bit warmer out.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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