Tuesday 11 May 2021

Weigh In Day - 90 lbs Gone! (May 10, 2021)

 Weigh in day today.

I was 182.8 lbs.

That means I lost the 2 I put back on last week plus another 2.
Woo Hoo!
That's 90.2 lbs in all now, getting so close to the 100 lbs lost mark.

I'm feeling so great!

Jason took this of Freya and I sleeping before he left for work.
She sleeps sideways now so she takes up a good portion of the bed.
Good thing we have a king size!

She slept in quite late this morning (we had a really late night).
She was just wired and not ready for bed at all.
I think it was after 2 am when she finally drifted off.

She hung out with me in my office after she woke up until Kody came and got her at 11.
If I let her stamp and draw on paper, that usually keeps her occupied for a bit anyway.

After Kody took her, I popped down to my real office to just drop a few things off, pick a few things up off my desk and print out a few things.

I got back home right around noon so got ready to head out for a run.

I decided to check a couple things on my email first then by the time I was ready to go, a rain and wind storm had picked up out of nowhere so I scrapped the outdoor run and hopped on the treadmill instead.

I only got 26 minutes in - I just wasn't feeling it today for some reason.
I did do the 1 and 1 workout again but kept the runs always at 4.0

Not a super tough workout but I'm halfway to my step goal for the day at least.

When I went back upstairs I found Professor Snuggles playing with the water bottle.

We've seen him do it before - He just sits there and stares at it - loves it for some reason?

I had a massage booked for tomorrow but Kerri texted to see if I could come today.
Of course I could.
So after work, I had a quick shower than walked down there.
The wind and rain had stopped so it was nice out and I took the long way so I could get some extra steps.

They have this little bee on the bench in the waiting room and I just love it.

 I always love treating myself to a massage.
Not only do I enjoy the massage but Kerri plays good music plus we always have nice chats!

After the massage I walked back home and I reached my 12,000 steps just before I got there.
Pretty good!

Jason said he had snacked on leftovers all day so didn't really need supper so I just had some leftovers myself.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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