Monday 24 May 2021

My Longest Run To Date (May 21, 2021)

It's Friday - my favorite day of the week.

Even better this week since it's a day off from work!

I got up early, made myself a coffee and was treated to some lovely snuggles from Paddington.

After coffee, I got ready to head out for a run.
I planned on trying to run a bit further today.
Wore my new pants and top I picked up at Giant Tiger last week.

They have pockets which I now want all of my leggings to have.
The pockets are perfect for holding my Ipod while I run.

I like racer back tops but still haven't found a bra that fits me properly with the racer back straps.
I'm going to keep looking though.

I added some extra on to my run in a couple spots.

The most significant was at the end, I went out to the highway and ran north which is all uphill, very steep uphill I might add, before turning back into town and back home.

It was so hard and it was super hot out - I really wanted to quit, but I didn't and I'm so proud of that!
I won't do this route every time but I will do it again sometime.

It ended up being just shy of 11 km which I thought was really good.

My splits.
You can see those last few km's were super tough for me - I don't care how slow I was though, just glad I even did it at all!

I had a shower and did my hair again - that's twice in the same week.
I think maybe that's a record for me since this whole covid thing started.

I got this top for myself at Christmas time and it was too tight for me to wear.
It fits pretty good now.

I got these capris last year and they are feeling loose but still wearable.

Yup, feeling pretty darn good about myself.

I headed to Whitecourt to get the car serviced.
I also stopped at Walmart and picked up a few things.

Then I picked up some lunch and headed to the river to eat it.

I parked near the trail Jason and I had walked on last time we were here.

It was such a gorgeous day, I wanted to get out and enjoy some of it.

It really is a pretty spot.
There were a few more folks out enjoying it this time too.

I had to break out my sunglasses - that's a good thing!

The water was a bit higher than the last time we were here.

I found a bench and settled in to eat my lunch/supper.
It was so nice out I was even able to break out my flip flops!

I had a sub from subway and it hit the spot!

When I got home, Kody brought Freya over and she fell asleep almost immediately.
Thankfully it was a quick nap - she's spending the night and sometimes when she has naps later in the day, it's tough to get her to go to bed at a decent time.

Papa made her a flower crown at work and brought it to her when he came home.
She loved it - it matched her outfit perfectly too.

Kody and Haylee dropped by for a bit so we could discuss some plans for next week.
They, along with Crystal, Randy and Zepplyn, are coming with us on our trip down south.
Freya wanted her mom to try on the flower crown.

These popped up on my Instagram feed today and I WANT ONE!

I was a huge Strawberry Shortcake fan when I was young.
I had a ton of the dolls and my friend and I used to create our own versions of the dolls, we would draw them and name them.
I wish I still had those drawings.

Saw this on Instagram too and I just love it.
If only lumber wasn't so expensive right now.
I'd love to attempt to make something like this someday.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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