Monday 3 May 2021

Pizza Day (Apr.30, 2021)

 I got up early this morning and got myself all prettied up.

Basically I just did my hair - that's a rarity these days with working from home, my covid bun has been my signature for the past year or so now.

So I figured it was a good time to take my selfies.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

I made a delicious breakfast and got it into my belly so it would be all settled and I'd be ready to head out for a run on my lunch hour.

I did Jason's route - it was super windy and I was running into a head wind in a few sections and it was tough.
I had to walk at an extra point but I still did it and I'm super proud.

When I got home, I had a message from Rexall saying I could go ahead and book my Vaccination.
Yay, I'm so pumped about it.
Jason and I both got the email so we both made appointments for Monday.
We are getting the Moderna which is good - I was a little concerned over the Astra Zenaca but would have gotten that had it been my only option.

Is this finally the light at the end of the tunnel?

Kody and Haylee came over for supper and we were discussing the trip we have planned to Regina at the end of May.
Her Aunt lives there and told us it might not be a good idea to come because Covid is running rampant there right now.
Crystal was interested in going back to the Granary Road Learning Park just south of Calgary so I think I'll cancel the Regina bookings and look for something down south of Calgary.

Jason was making pizza for supper in the pizza oven.
Freya went out there to hang out with him while he was cooking.

She just always wants to be where he is.

Zombie cat.

She has such a great imagination.

Helping Papa get another pizza ready for the oven.

There was semolina everywhere but she was having fun so no big deal.
It was easy to vacuum up afterwards.

First pizza out of the oven.
He made 6 pizza's and I think I had a slice of each except for the last one.
They were all delicious.

Freya didn't want to go home with mom and dad so we said we'd walk her home and we made a pit stop at the park on the way.

She wanted Papa to push her on the swing.

She's getting to be such a big girl.
We try to enjoy all of these moments because we know they aren't going to last forever.

We played at the park for about a half hour then we dropped Freya off and headed home.

I saw this on Facebook today and it made me laugh.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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