Friday 14 May 2021

Freya's Family Photo Album (May 12, 2021)

Jason got up early this morning and headed out for a run before Freya woke up.

He actually ended up running a half marathon for the very first time!

It took him a couple hours but he did it!

I think that is amazing.

Freya did wake up before he got back but she just sat with me while I worked.

At lunch time, we all went out for a walk together.
She just loves running down this little path.

She found a bug - her bug!

she was totally fascinated.

She wanted to climb up on the rocks again.

I think it makes her feel like a big girl.
She gets up there then jumps off.

Then she does it again.
She would do it over and over for hours if we let her I think.

We got her going though then she found another path to run down.

She gets going so fast I'm afraid she's going to fall.
She actually has a couple of times but no major injuries thank goodness.

I had a parcel at the office and Blair dropped it off to us.

It was the photo album I made for Freya of her family.

It included a summary of all the pages, kind of neat.

Freya, Jason and I all sat down to look at it.
It turned out really nice and I was very happy with the quality.
I ordered it from Costco.
What I liked was that I could save the project while I was working on it so I didn't have to finish it all in one sitting.

I will most definitely be making more.

Crystal came by to give mom a massage and Freya had to show the book to her.

Then later when Kody and Haylee came to pick her up, she showed the book to them too.
That's one of my goals on my 50x50 book completed!

After work, Jason and I went for a walk - I still needed to get some steps in.
Then we went for a bike ride to the store to pick up a few things.

Jason made hamburger soup for supper and I made us a cheese quesadilla to go with it.
It was super yummy.

Then because it was so nice out - we went out for another bike ride.
Got to take advantage of the nice weather when we have it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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