Friday 7 May 2021

Ice Cream and A Nap (May 4, 2021)

 Sounds like they are scheduled to make some further Covid restrictions tonight, I wonder what they will be this time?

Honestly, I hardly care anymore, I just want it all to be over.

Made myself a colorful, healthy breakfast.

Miss Freya helped me eat it as is the norm when she is here, she loves eggs.

She and Papa played hard all day and she was so tuckered out that she had a nap right around supper time.

I didn't mind - I love having any chance I get to snuggle with her.
I was actually tired too so she and I went and had a real nap in bed which I never do.

All rested and ready to go.

Taking Papa's picture.

Say Cheese Papa!

Got to get Grandma too.

Kody and Haylee had dropped by to pick Freya up while we were napping so Jason told them we'd walk her down when we got up.

Then she wanted a piggy back from Grandma.

She just discovered climbing up on these big rocks - I think it makes her feel like a big girl.
So we hopped on all the ones around the skate park.
I think she'd have done it all night if we let her.

We stopped for ice cream - she wanted chocolate again.
Great choice Freya, great choice.

She's so friendly, she says 'Hi' to everyone we meet, and she'll repeat it over and over until they answer her.
Sometimes if they don't answer her (or if she doesn't hear them), she'll say "you gonna say hi to me"?
Ha ha - it's so funny.
It's almost like she's giving them heck for not saying hi back.

Found another pathway on the way to mom and dad's place.

She just makes the best faces.

We walked back home, grabbed our bikes and headed out for a little bike ride.
I can definitely feel an improvement - the hills aren't as killer as they used to be.

Someone posted this on Facebook.
Coolest bbq ever!

So it looks like we have extra lockdown measures for the next three weeks here in Alberta.
Outdoor dining is cancelled, the kids are going back to homeschooling and all the hair and nail salons will be shut down.
They keep saying just for two weeks or three weeks but this has been going on since last March.
It's super frustrating and I just feel so bad for the folks whose livelihood is affected.
We've been lucky in that aspect but not everyone has and its a shame.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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