Tuesday 18 May 2021

Cutest Captain America Ever (May 14, 2021)

It's Friday!

My favorite day of the week.

I had quite a busy day at work. 

I did get out for a walk at lunch time then I still needed more steps so after work I headed out for another walk.

Once I got out there, I felt like doing a run so I did a short one.

These were my splits - a bit better pace than my longer runs.

Haylee posted this cute picture of Freya.
They went to a birthday party today and there were all kind of costumes there for the kiddos to play with.
She makes a pretty cute Captain America.

Kody brought her over after I got home from my run so she could spend the night.

Brushing her teeth.
She had a great imagination.

Cuddles with Grandma.

Silly selfies.

She loves making funny faces.

And singing silly songs.
She's our little entertainer.

Jason picked her up a little Doctor kit with a stethoscope in 
it - you should hear her say stethoscope - so cute.

My foot hurts Doctor!

Then she wanted some noodles.
She loves spicy noodles - she can handle more spice than I can and she's only 2.

The broth is her favorite.

All set up with her soup and her YouTube videos.

While Papa and Freya played downstairs, Paddington and I did some cuddling.

He's such a little Love Bug.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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