Monday 24 May 2021

Lots of Selfies (May 20, 2021)

Well today is my Friday this week.

Monday is a holiday and we always get the Friday off to to make it a super long weekend which is awesome.

It sucks that Jason has to work but such is life.

I'm going to work Monday and take next Thursday off in lieu and we are heading down south of Calgary for a little trip. 

I got ready and headed out for a run at lunch time.
Hard to believe that I need to wear mittens and a headband in late May but what can I say, Alberta weather!

Figured I'd get some selfies in before I headed out.

Back view.

I did just over 8 km.

Here are the splits.

After work I decided to have a shower and actually do my hair which I barely ever do anymore.
Then I figured I'd better take more selfies because who know when the next time will be?

Side view.
I just love this top!

And back view.

When Jason got home from work, we headed out for a bit of a bike ride.
We ended up going by Kody's place so we stopped in for a little visit.
No pictures because I didn't have my phone with me.

This made me giggle.
Remember being young and wanting to just grow up and be an adult and make our own decisions.
Not all it's cracked up to be.
(It's really not that bad actually).

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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