Monday 3 May 2021

Freya's Family Photo Album Project Complete! (May 1, 2021)

 Yay - It's Saturday.

We had a little bit of a sleep in then I got up and made myself a lovely breakfast.

I'm really digging the blueberries since I got turned on to them.

I wanted to get started on my craft room first thing this morning but instead I ended up getting to work on Freya's Family Photo Album.

I'm creating a hard cover book for her on the Costco website filled with pictures of herself and her family and it's one of the projects in my 50 x50 book that I want to get completed.

I got the idea to do it because she loves looking at the photos on my gallery wall and naming off everyone in the pictures.

It took me a couple of hours this morning but I was able to finish it off and get it ordered so I was pretty happy about that.

After I got that all done, I got ready and headed out for a run.
It was nicer out today then yesterday but still a bit windy.
I did Jason's route again and added an extra section on at the end.

As soon as I got home, I got to work hauling stuff out of the craft room.
When I'm organizing and purging, I like to pull everything out, give the space a really good cleaning then put everything back.

For now, I'm just putting everything in the dining room.
I didn't get everything pulled out but I got quite a bit of it done.

We were having Freya over for a sleep over so I worked at it until about 5 then called it a day.

I got a late start so not as much accomplished as I wanted to today but I'm in it now so I'll get it done this week.

I still needed some steps and we were going to need milk for the night so I told Kody we'd walk down and pick her up.
We stopped at the store first then headed to get Freya.

They were hanging out in the backyard contemplating having a fire tonight but then out of nowhere these storm clouds rolled in.

So we hoofed it for home and got there just before the rain started.

It didn't last long, only 20 minutes or so then it was back to blue skies and sun again.

Dance party!
She just loves it when Papa carries her around in her chair and they dance together to songs she requests.

A couple of cool cats.

We picked her up this cute little t-ball set yesterday so we set it up to let her try it out.

T-ball anyone?

I think she's a pro already!

After t-ball, we all got settled on the couch and put on this new movie that Jason discovered that he thought looked good.

Over The Moon.

The music in it is really good.

We were both tired so we didn't get to finish watching it but we will definitely make a point to.

We both really enjoyed what we've seen so far.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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