Thursday 20 May 2021

Not Impressed! (May 19, 2021)

Yup, so, not very thrilled with how the world was looking this morning. 

As far as I'm concerned - this shouldn't be the view on May 19.
Let's just say that I wasn't impressed.

It kind of put me in a bit of a funk - I'm just longer for summer or even just spring to get here.

I didn't let it stop me from getting out for a run at lunch time though.
I added a little extra to the end so I could get to the 8 km mark.
Did it all without stopping - the hills are still tough but I'm doing it and so proud of myself.

Today's splits.
My goal is to get them all under 7.0 eventually - Some Day!

I didn't change out of my sweaty clothes and worked in them all afternoon so I got a pretty good chill on by the end of the work day.

When I get like that, the only thing that warms me up is a nice hot bath.

So I ran one and grabbed a new book to read.

The Island of Sea Women

I've read books before by Lisa See and really enjoyed them.
I didn't get very far into this one today but I'm sure I'll like it.

Adrien and Mel went for a date so they brought Hunter and Alivia over to hang out with Mom and I.
I made supper for everyone.
Salsa chicken, assorted frozen veggies and a salad.

Hunter had an omelet!

We went to the store for a drive and the each got a whole box of ice creams for a treat!

Freya's tablet was keeping him entertained.

Handsome boy.

I felt bad because he wanted to play but I was really tired so I think he was bored.
I got them some crafting supplies out so they could draw and color and that kept them entertained a bit.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you use the 7 key"...haha, that cracked me up!

Yup - I've used this move plenty.

All the lumber meme's lately are hilarious.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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