Friday 14 May 2021

Bike Rides and Ice Cream Cones (May 13, 2021)

I decided that I'm going to try to get out for a run every second day at least.

Since I didn't go for one yesterday, I made sure to get ready and head out for one today on my lunch hour. 

It still feels super hard but I did it - I ran the whole route without walking for the third time.
I think the Purolator guy, Munzar, passed me about 6 different times on my route.
It was kind of funny .

The first time I ran this route, my fitbit gps said it was 7.65 km, the second time was 7.3 km and this was 7.4 km.
I did pretty much exactly the same route each time so weird but it's looking like the 7.3/7.4 is the correct range.

My splits.
I don't really care about them that much but just thought as I get more runs under my belt, I'd like to see it they improve.
I definitely get slower as the run continues but that's because I'm getting tired.

Figured I'd take some sweaty selfies when I got home.
I think I could have skipped the long sleeve top and just worn a tank top for the run today, it got hot there for a bit.

Side view.

Back view.

Just as I was getting off work, my brother dropped Hunter off.
So he and Jason and I hopped on our bikes and went for a bike ride.

First stop was for an ice cream cone.

He got a scoop of birthday cake ice cream and he loved it.

We sat at the bench at the store so Hunter could eat up his ice cream and discussed what kind of cake he wanted for his upcoming birthday.

We are going to have everyone over on Sunday to celebrate his and Jason's birthday.

Mel will have  party a bit later for him with his friends when the Covid restrictions ease up (if that ever happens)!

After ice cream, we biked to the store to get a few things.
I love Hunter's new helmet - it lights up and flashes - pretty cool.

He did really well - it's amazing because he probably has to work twice as hard as us with his little bike.

He listened really well too and stayed on the sidewalk except when we had to cross the rode.

Jason snapped this shot.
It makes me think of the lyrics to the Queen song...
I Love to Ride my Bicycle, I Love to Ride My Bike!

Showing us his trick he can do.
He gets going really fast then lifts his legs up and coasts as long as he can.

After Super A, we went to the park for a bit then back to the Newcastle for another ice cream.
This time Hunter got 3 scoops and he just about was able to finish it all off .
We sat while he ate then we headed home so Jason and I could make supper.

Another great shot Jason took - isn't the sun marvelous?

Even though we'd just sat at the store for 20 minutes while he ate his ice cream, five minutes into the ride home he had to stop and sit on the bench for a rest - he was tired.
Ha ha.
He's such a funny kid.

Paddington all snuggled up in the mittens and hats.
He loves it in there.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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