Friday 7 May 2021

A Glimpse Of How The Other Half Lives (May 6, 2021)

 Woke up to sun streaming in through the window which was super nice to see.

Had a little cuddle with this Love Bug before I got up.
He is such a Honey.

I had leftover chicken and shrimp for breakfast with some cucumber, oranges and blueberries.
Odd combo maybe but it was super good.

I developed a bit of a blister on my foot from my run yesterday so I was kind of humming and haaing about if I should run today or not.
I decided against it and just started walking but then a little ways in decided to run after all.

I did Jason's route, it was really windy though so I had a tough time with it today.
I did a lot more walking than usual.
My blister didn't really bother me until near the end but when it started to hurt, I just walked the rest of the way.
I was really glad that I got a run in, it felt good.

Communities in Bloom painted this little trailer they were donated and set it up in the campground in town for display.
It's so cute - they did a great job.

Jason sent me this today.
It's kind of true!

When he got home, we had supper then watched some One Bite Pizza reviews on YouTube.

I've also been watching Architectural Digest celebrity home visits lately on there.
Kind of neat to see how they live.

Naomi Campbell has a gorgeous place in Africa, I think her place is the favorite I've seen so far.

Lenny Kravitz also has a great place as does Aaron Paul (Jesse from Breaking Bad).
Of all the homes I've seen on there to date, these three are the best!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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