Wednesday 19 May 2021

Birthday Supper for Hunter and Jason (May 16, 2021)

Had my coffee this morning then I got ready to head out for a run. 

I got this new top yesterday at Giant Tiger, size Medium!
I really like it - it's nice and light - good for running.

They had it in a few more colors, I think I may go back and get another.

Side view - just ignore the chocolate hummus all over the mirror a la Freya.
I really need to get that cleaned up!

Back view.

I did the full route again without stopping.

My splits for the run.
They are pretty much the same as the last three times but I know if I keep at it they are bound to get better.

Jason and Hunter both have birthdays next weekend but since Jason has to work, we decided to have everyone over for supper and cake today.

Morgan and Mom/Nanny.


Kody, Haylee, Mel and Alivia.
Jason cooked up a giant brisket then made hash brown casserole and peas & carrots as sides.

I always get pictures of everyone when they are eating!

No brisket for these two, they both had hot dogs.
I made three for Hunter and he ate all of them.

Morgan, Jason and Hunter.

Adrien and I.
Boy is my hair ever frizzy!
I really need a dye job - hope the hair dressers are allowed to open back up soon.

Mom and Rob.

Happy Birthday Hunter!

It took him a few tries but he got all the candles blown out.

Jason made the ice cream cake for Hunter because he liked it so much last time.
He added M&M's on Hunter's request.
Hunter wanted the first piece so we gave it to him and right away he asked if it had caramel sauce in it which it did but even though we assured him that the last cake we made had it and he had loved it, he refused to eat it.
Funny kid.

Jason made a strawberry pie for himself.

I had to try a little bit of each.

Full disclosure:  I had another full slice of the strawberry pie before I went to bed - it was so delicious!
Probably won't be good for my weigh in tomorrow.

Nadine came over as everyone was leaving and we made a few things on the Cricut for her son's upcoming nuptials.
She has really gone all out with the decor and I can't wait to see pictures.

Freya wanted to stay the night and after Nadine left, she cuddled up on me and promptly fell asleep.

I kept her with me like this for a bit just because I wanted to enjoy it.
I know she's going to grow up so fast so I want to soak up as much of this time as I can.

Luckily she stayed asleep for the night when we took her to bed!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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