Wednesday 19 May 2021

Weigh In Day - Dang You Strawberry Cake! (May 17, 2021)

Weigh In Day 

I was 183.8.

That's up 1 lb from last week which wasn't really surprising after yesterdays treats and a late night slice of Strawberry cake.
I kind of went overboard with the trail mix the last few days too.
I picked some up in Westlock on Saturday for a treat and it's like my kryptonite, I just can't stop eating it!

I'm not overly concerned, I'll just hunker down, do better this week and next week's weigh in will be better.

Freya and Jason popped in to visit while I was working.

Apparently I was doing it wrong so Freya offered to show me the right way, ha ha!

I was quite busy today so didn't have a chance to get out for a walk at lunch time.
That meant I had a lot of steps to get it after work.

My knee was bothering me a little so I decided to go for a really long walk instead of a run.
Jason has gone out for a run at the end of the day and I met up with him when he was doing his cool down so we did the last part of the walk together.

Someone had these posted on WW - they are supposedly only 1 point - I need to find some of them!

We had leftovers for supper and I was falling asleep on the couch by 8:30 so it was an early night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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