Tuesday 18 May 2021

Westlock Trails (May 15, 2021)

 I'm so grateful that I live nearby my grand-daughter and able to spend so much time with her.

Waking up to this sweet little soul is always such a treat.

I was having some chocolate hummus and Freya wanted some too.

She got a bit on her face and then it turned into a game to see how much she could pile up on there.

She kept checking it out in the mirror - ha ha.
So after the Chocolate Hummus debacle - I popped her in a bath.

It's usually a fight to wash her hair let alone brush it, but today she let me no problem.
Then to top it off, she even let me braid her hair amazingly enough.
I always want to brush her hair and braid it or put it in ponytails or a little bun but she never lets me.
This braid didn't last an hour either but at least it's a start.

Paddy Bear just sunning himself in front of the door.

We took turns going out for runs this morning.
Jason headed out first then we he got back, he stayed with Freya and I headed out.

I think this was my third time doing the whole route without stopping.
It's hard but it feels so good when I'm done.

My splits.
Kody came and picked Freya up around lunch time and Jason and I headed to Westlock for a drive.

Can you tell how excited I am to be going somewhere?

Road trips make me happy.

Jason was happy too - it was just hard for him to smile at the camera for me as he was driving.

So nice to see the buds coming out on the trees.
This is always such a pretty time of year.

We aren't seeing any in Swan yet but soon.

When we got to Westlock, we hit up Giant Tiger.
I love that store.
I got a few more sports bras - size medium - I can hardly believe it.

Then we decided to get Subway for supper.
No eating in restaurants is allowed right now so we ordered out then walked across the street to a picnic table we saw to eat it.

I always get rotisserie chicken, it's my favorite.
I load mine up with all the veggies and it's so delicious and filling.

After our supper, we hopped on our bikes and headed out for a ride.
We heard there were some nice trails in town so we set out to find them.

It wasn't hard to find and there were signs up all along the way.

It was a great trail and it was so nice out today - we were surprised that we didn't see more folks out on the trails.
We only ran into a handful of people the whole time.

Look at all the new leaves and the green - love it.

The trail just kept going and going.

What a great weather vane.
It's at the tractor museum.
Westlock is a big farming community so this is very fitting.

We passed by the tracks.
I love trains.
I sure hope we get to go on another train trip someday.

We came upon this pond.

It was so peaceful and pretty.

We did startle these two geese as we came around the corner and Jason captured this shot of them as the took off in flight.

So calm and serene and not a soul around.

Next we happened upon this section of fence that had these cute little birdhouses on all the post.

I love how weathered this one is.

No two were alike.

They were all different colors and shapes.

This one even had a little bird on it.

We had gone just about 15 km by the time we made it back to the vehicle.

I think this is going to be our new favorite thing to do this summer.
Go to a new town and bike their trails if they have them or just bike around the town if they do not.
Just going around the residential areas and checking out the houses is fun too.

After our bike ride, we stopped for groceries then headed home.
It was nice to get away even if it was only for a day.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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