Wednesday 12 May 2021

Two Wreaths Completed, Finally! (May 11, 2021)

 I got a new hoodie the other day - ordered it from Amazon and I decided to wear it for the first time today on my run.

It's a size medium and it fits!

Side View

Back View.

I headed out at lunch for a run.
I was able to run the whole thing again without stopping.

Here are the details of my run today.
I'm not very fast but I don't care - I'm just so proud of the fact that I'm even doing it at all.

When I was about 3/4 of the way through, it started hailing.

Just little hail thankfully then it kind of turned to sleet but I was able to keep going.

I was pretty soaked by the time I got home but I felt great.

I didn't change out of my wet clothes thinking they would just dry but they really didn't and by the time I finished work at 4:30, I was just freezing.

So I hopped in the bath to warm myself up.
I started a new book, Where the Crawdads Sing.
I've heard lots of good things about it so I've been excited about reading this one for awhile.
I only got a few chapters in so far but I'm hooked.

After my bath, I walked to the store just to get the rest of my steps in really.
It had gotten sunny again so it was a nice walk.

I got a couple of wreaths finished up tonight for a lady that had ordered them.
She wanted a purple one.

And one similar to the one I have on my front door.

She asked me to do them months ago so I felt bad that it had taken me so long.
Other stuff just kept coming up.
At least they are done now.

Since Jason is starting days off tomorrow, Freya wanted to come for a sleepover.
It was a bit later when the got to our place because she'd had a couple friends over and was having a blast playing with them.

So we only got to hang out for a short time then she fell asleep on my lap.

She was tuckered out!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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