Sunday 1 September 2019

Making an Effort Feels Good! (Aug.29, 2019)

The Smart TV in the work out room has been a great addition, we are loving it.

I got an early morning workout in, 41 minutes done!

Always feels so good.

At work today, I continued with my new personal goal of trying to get 1000 steps per hour.
It takes some effort but it's worth it.

Made myself a quesadilla pizza for lunch.
It was pretty darn good too.

I also had some watermelon for a snack.

Supper was Caesar Salad and Chicken.

Between lunch hour and after work, I managed to rack up another 51 minutes on the treadmill.
Go me!

I saw this on Facebook and thought it was such an awesome idea!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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