Monday, 9 September 2019

Guard Cat (Sept.4, 2019)

My Honey is on days off today and I just didn't have enough gumption to get out of bed early by myself to work out so I got busy going for walks right away when I got to work.

It was another stunner of a day out there.
Warm, sunny and calm.
Where was this weather all summer long?

I guess better late than never.

The trees are looking very beautiful.
Sometimes the leaves are gone before they even have a chance to change color so it's nice to see that's not the case this year.

My Honey texted before lunch to say that he'd walked down to the store and ran into my SIL and the kids so he was at the park with them.

So I stopped at the park on my way home for lunch and he was pushing Mr H and his little BFF on the swings.

He had a pretty good pattern going.

He was getting them some good height too which they thought was great.

He climbed the rock wall with them too.

There is a fake lizard at the top and they were 'eating it's boogers' of all things.
Kind of gross but they thought that was jut great.

Mr H was just in his glory having My Honey there with him.

I stayed to hang out for a little bit then I left to go home and get some lunch.
My honey I think planned on coming with me but they just wouldn't hear of it so he stayed there to play with them a bit longer.

Turned out they stayed a played for a few more hours.
He texted me after 3 pm and he'd just gotten home.
He had to promise them a treat from the magic tool box to get them to leave the park.
He said they all walked home together and the boys each picked something out when they got to our place.

I went for one last walk to the road right before 4 and met my son & family on their way to WCT.
I was hoping to go visit them tonight but looks like that will have to wait for tomorrow night.

He sent me this picture of Paddington "guarding" the front door.
Ha ha.
Not much of a guard cat there.
Miss Tallulah!

Whenever My Honey is sitting on the couch, Paddington just has to lay on him.

Otherwise, he assumes this position in the window and watches all that is going on in the world outside.
He especially loves watching the birds and even gets chirping at them sometimes.

Being a guard cat is hard work and requires a healthy amount of naps.

I got 22 minutes in on the treadmill this evening.

Normally Paddington comes in for cuddles in the morning but when I got in bed tonight, he came and snuggled right in next to me.
Even has his paws around me like he's hugging me.

Funny how just a week or so ago, I would have been thrilled with these numbers but now I'm feeling a bit disappointed and like I could have got more.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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