Monday 19 August 2019

Harbour Cruise, Pizza & Poutine - Vancouver Day Four (Aug.10, 2019)

Since our breakfast place wasn't open today, we decided just to head straight into downtown Vancouver and look for a place to eat there.
We had a cruise booked that left at 11 am so we had to be down there anyway.

Saw some more costumed people on the Sky Train.

And in the food court where we ended up getting some breakfast.

After we ate, we took a taxi down to the dock where we were going to board.

We were still a bit early so we decided to go for a bit of a walk instead of just standing around.

We were right by the water so it was a nice place to walk.

Of course we saw more beautiful flowers.

We walked along the waterfront for about 15 minutes.

Then we turned around and headed back.

Looks like this couple is headed to the same place we were.

The old fashioned looking boat is so nice.

This is the one we will be heading out on today.

In total it will be a four hour cruise, they will feed us lunch and I'm really looking forward to it.

They had assigned seating which was wonderful.
These were our neighbors to my left.

And these were the neighbours to the right.

Ready to go!

They had a map of the route we would be taking at each place setting.
We went right up to Silver Falls and back.

He likes cruises just as much as I do.

I picked up some nail polish at the dollar store yesterday and painted my nails this morning.
They are nice pastel colors and I'm kind of digging them.

And we are off.

We had some time before lunch was going to be served so we went outside on the top deck.
There's the convention center with it's grass top.

The giant whale statue.

The Vancouver skyline and the Seaplane dock.

There was a new cruise ship docked at Canada Place - Holland America's New Amsterdam.
It's the ship we went on our Eastern Caribbean Cruise on.

There were a couple other ships there too.

More of the city skyline.

I'm so glad that neither of us experiences sea sickness so that we can enjoy outings like this.

There is lots of industry along the harbour.

Still lots of nice scenery too though.
This is one of Vancouver's biggest beach/parks.

It was a cloudy day but the temperature was nice.

Looks like there are a few nice places in this neighbourhood.

Everytime I see kayakers or paddle boarders, it makes me just want to get out and try it.

The water was nice and calm.

There were so many places tucked in along the water's edge.

I'd take any of them!

Just enjoying the cruise.

I wonder if that is just a one family home to the right there or if it's condo's or something?

Lots of smaller boats out on the water today.

Lunch was buffet style.

There was salad, rice and a choice of chicken or salmon.
I chose the salmon and it was delicious.

We started to get further away from civilization and it was so pretty.

The boat captain tucked us right into this nook so that we could see Crystal Falls.

You can see how close the boat is from the people you can see that are standing on the deck below.
It was very pretty.

I went around to the other side of the boat to see if I could get a better view - I couldn't.

I did get a good picture of My Honey though!

I did get a good one as we were leaving though.

I love how the clouds are sitting on the tops of the mountains.

Look at all those lovely homes tucked in the mountain like that.

I guess this house has been under construction for a few years now.

It started sprinkling near the end of our cruise.
It was light at first but when it started getting a little harder, we went back inside and spent the rest of the cruise outside.

It was just over four hours for the whole cruise so it was just after 3 when we docked.
It was still raining but it had gotten lighter again so we decided just to walk back to the Convention Center.
We figured we'd go in today and check it out.

There were still lots of costumed people milling about.

Wow - that is an inventive one.

These girls looked great.

That cape is awesome.

Fabulous costumes every where you look.

I love the girl with the horns.

A person would need a god figure to pull this one off.

We went to get tickets but they were $60 a person which included some things that we just weren't interested so we decided that was a bit high of a price to pay.
We mainly wanted to see the costumes and we could see those without paying a thing.

We were feeling hungry so searched for a place to eat.
We found a place we wanted to try, walked to it and it was closed.
So annoying.

So then My Honey found another spot, Ignite Pizzeria.
I wasn't that impressed when I first walked in but the pizza was terrific.

I had a pepperoni slice.
The crust was soft and perfectly cooked.
It was so good that we each got a second slice.

It's right across from the corner of Gas Town.

There's a zoom in.
If we come back to Vancouver - we will definitely hit this place up again.

We'd seen an award winning chocolate place earlier so we walked to it and again, we got there just as it was closing.
What is with all the weird hours Vancouver?

So again, My Honey googled a place for us to get some dessert.
Of course it was way back where we'd just came from so needless to say we were getting lots of steps in.
We needed it though I guess, didn't get that many on the cruise.

The bakery he found was called Purebread.

It was a nice clean place which is important.

There were so many goodies to choose from, loaves,

Brownies, pies, cookies... and it all looked delicious.

Even these meringues looked good and I don't even like them.

It was so hard to pick just one thing, so we didn't, we got a few.

We got a slice of cake.

We also got a lava cake, a macaroon, a chewy fruit & nut bar and a chocolate rosemary sea salt cookie.

The writing on the wall about sums it up!

We walked around a bit more then hopped on the Sky Train and headed back to New West.
We figured we'd get off a stop early and just kind of walk around and see what was going on.

We found a little place to get another dessert.
It was a lemon tart that we shared - it was ok but the top had kind of crusted over so it wasn't the best.

Then we saw a french fry place and I was still hungry and I wanted to have one more cheat meal before heading home so in we went.
The Spud Shack Fry Co.

They had all different kinds of poutine on their menu.
The burger looked good too but we didn't think we'd be able to fit a burger in too.

They had a big screen on the wall that displayed which order they were working on - kind of a neat idea.

We got the "Baked" Potato poutine which had bacon, sour cream and green onions.
It was super good.

We also tried these Kroket Bites which were deep fried belgian beef rolls.
They were so gross - couldn't eat them.
The inside didn't even look like it was cooked - part of me still feels like they weren't cooked.

They had Boylans which we love so we each got a Root Beer.
It's so good.
Ha ha - yup - totally me!

And just like that, we are at the end of our trip.
It's been fun and I'm happy to be heading home but I'll also be looking forward to our next adventure.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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