Saturday 1 July 2017

Summer Fun - Sprinklers and Ice Cream

My Honey was off to the golf course early this morning but I stayed home and slept in a little because I was T-I-R-E-D!
The lady that works with mom dropped by for their session at 10 and her, mom & I chatted for nearly 2 hours.
Then they went to work for a little and so did I on some stuff I can't seem to get caught up on at the office.
Then right around noon my SIL dropped off the kiddos.
My brother was working and she'd been called in to work so I said I would watch them.

It was a perfect day to try out the new sprinkler I had my other brother pick up for me.

It kind of turned into a little bit of a soaking session.
Mr.H picked it up and was chasing everyone with it.

He thought that was great fun!

Once he had his fill of that and I finally got it away from him, I changed him into some dry clothes and we headed out to the golf course for a visit and so I could drop off a few things they were low on.

Doing "puppy" tricks.
He had a cup full of goldfish that he kept spilling all over the place.
He was running around and kept tripping on his sandals.

Mom & Miss A were very oblivious to all of that as they were busy coloring.

Miss A gave her creation to My Honey to hang on the fridge.
It was such a gorgeous day we hung out on the deck out at the golf course for a bit.

Mr H thought it was great, there was a whole slew of little vehicles for him to play with.

My Honey and Miss A wanted in on the fun too.
They really wanted to take it for a spin - maybe next time.

Mr H was having so much fun that he didn't want to go home so I had to bribe him with.......

Who doesn't like ice cream on a hot summer day.
Mr. H had a new flavor called Shark Bite.

Miss A had the Bubblegum.
Her little brother soaked her earlier so I had to give her an old t-shirt of mine and a pair of leggings to wear while her stuff was drying.

Oh the wonderful days of summer, swinging away in your undies and eating ice cream!

Nanny had one too, she wanted Vanilla but they didn't have it so she had Coconut.

And of course I had one too - a giant one.
I had the Double Chocolate and Red Velvet.
It was worth every single calorie.

Looks like Mr.H really enjoyed that ice cream.

Miss A has an ice cream moustache too!

Thought the easiest way to clean him would be to just chuck him in the tub.
Professor Snuggles loves running water and always runs to check out the situation when he hears it.
He doesn't actually want to get in the water but he loves to watch.

My Brother came to pick up the kiddos shortly after this.

After they left - I did a little more "work" work then I had a shower.
We were hoping to leave for the city tonight.

Mom & I went back out to the golf course and she had supper.
It was steady all evening so My Honey wasn't able to get away.

Oh well, he has Saturday AND Sunday off so we are going to do something.
I am looking forward to having him to myself for a couple of days and I know he is looking forward to having a couple days off.
He has been working steadily without a day off since early May.
He's a trooper that's for sure - I think I would be pretty cranky with that by now if it were me.

This memory popped up again of my boy & I at a company bbq a few years back.
It is one of my favorites of he & I!

Well that's it for today - until next time, be happy!

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