Tuesday 18 July 2017

A Berry Flowery Day

The hotel we stayed in had continental breakfast included so we went down and had some breakfast before we hit the road.

It was a good breakfast - I had to wait for more bacon but I didn't mind.
They also made omelets to order so My Honey & I shared one of those.
There were waitresses too that brought us drinks & stuff but because breakfast was free, they likely weren't getting tips.
I hadn't brought my wallet down but later when we were leaving, I made a point to drop by there and give them a tip.
I decided that would be my good deed for today - each person that provided us service today, I gave at least a $5.00 tip.

Afterwards we stopped by the university for a coffee.
My Honey knew of a little coffee shop inside but unfortunately it was closed.
We found another spot for coffee then we hit the road.
The girl in the drive thru was super happy about the $5.00 tip.
We were on the road heading to Grande Caches when My Honey realized that we probably needed to get some gas.
I googled it and turns out there were no gas stations between Grande Prairie and Grande Caches (184 km) and we didn't have enough to make it there so we had to turn back.
My Honey thought there was a gas station near the casino outside of town so we went there to have a look.

There ended up being no gas station but My Eagle Eyed Honey did spot these.
Saskatoon Berries.
They are kind of similar to blueberries but better.
This little guy wasn't very happy that we were in his patch and he was jabbering to let us know.

My Honey didn't mind though - he was so happy - he loves Saskatoons.

Luckily I'd picked up a few more planters yesterday so we filled one right up.

I only noticed this sign AFTER we were done picking.
Good thing the bear in the area didn't surprise us.

We went back into GP and got some gas then decided to stop into this Green house we noticed on the way out of town earlier.

Look at these gorgeous baskets - They were gigantic and on sale buy 1 get 1 free.

This garden center kitty was getting lots of love from these kiddos.

Just look at all the beautiful flowers they had.
The place was huge, with greenhouse after greenhouse and all these little wings jutting out from the main greenhouse.

Some of my favorites.
I love when the flowers have more than one color.
I like these striped one.

And I love these ones as well that kind of go from dark to light.

I like the shape of these ones.

I loved this tree - I don't think it would survive in the conditions at home but it sure was beautiful.

The color combinations in this basket were my favorite.
I am thinking I might drop in tomorrow on our way back through and pick one up.

They had lots of other items too for sale and this little sign was in the bathroom,
I like the saying
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted"
Back on the road and not 20 minutes in - BOOM - flying rock smashed into the windshield.
It is so loud and scary when it happens.

I like this song - had to take a picture so I could remember to download it later.

Road trip selfie.

The scenery on the drive is gorgeous and it was a beautiful sunny day.

Seems like around every bend the new vista was just as beautiful as the last one.

The wild flowers were all in bloom.
Some spots just looked yellow because they were so plentiful.

We stopped to have a closer look and there are just so many varieties, it's amazing.

So many pretty colors.

These were just dotted everywhere and they were so tall.
I think I called them "Queen Anne's Lace" when I was younger but not sure what they really are.

I loved all the trees too.

We stopped by a little campground and walked in to have a look at the river.
I had to change my top - it was soooo nice out.

Just look at all that beauty.

We found more berries, this time wild strawberries.
I love them but they are so tiny they take forever to pick a good amount.

We stopped here so My Honey could get some close ups of this bridge.

He told me how some people get trapped out on the trestles because they don't hear the train coming then the can't get off in time.
Then he proceeded to walk out there - trying to get me nervous.
I wasn't too worried though, he could have jumped off this one if needed, it wasn't that high.

Hard to see but there was a fellow here fishing (right in the center of the picture there by the river).
What a great spot - so serene and quiet - just perfect.
More beautiful wild flowers, lots of colors bunched together.

The mountains and the clouds were pretty too.

This made me really want to go for a train ride.
One of these days we want to take the trip that leaves from Edmonton and goes to Vancouver.
It goes through the mountains and I know the scenery will be just stunning.

Lambs Ears (at least that is what I called them as a child)

Someone forgot their boots!
Made me think of Tom Hanks' instagram - he is always posting pics of lone gloves he sees just lying around.

These were looking particular striking today as well.
It's likely politically incorrect but we call them Indian Paint Brushes.
Not sure what they really are but they sure look beautiful especially when there are tons of them together on the side of the road.

My Honey found more wild strawberries and he shared with me.
They are so sweet, yum yum!

We made it.

Just checking things out - My Honey noticed the heart graffiti.

Then I noticed this right across the street.
We looked up a place to eat that looked good so we put it in the GPS and it took us on a wild goose chase.
We tried twice and it kept taking us to the highway, then we would pass the destination according to the google directions but there would nothing there.
We finally had to stop at the tourist information booth to ask for directions.
The restaurant was in a totally differant spot than where the GPS was taking us.
Oh well - at least we got to tour around and in the end we found it.

They had these pretty flowers outside - I love the colors.

We ate at "The Ridge".
I had my signature go to drink - Virgin Caesar, extra spicy.
It was delicious.

Is it jsut me or does that smile look forced?

I had the taco salad and OMG, it was so good.
It had black beans and corn and LOTS of spicy ground beef.
Lots of other goodies too and the taco shell bowl was good too.
I don't usually eat it but I put quite a dent in this one.

My Honey had the spicy chicken burger and dill fries with dill dip.
The dill dip I could have just eaten with a spoon.

We had the stuffed mushrooms too which were entirely covered in mozzerella.
These I wasn't too crazy about but all in all - I would most definitely recommend this restaurant.
After we went to another place just across the street because I noticed the big cone on the building.

Even though I was full, there is always room for ice cream.
I had Birthday Cake and Espresso Fudge.

It was a cute little place - we thought we might come back and try it tomorrow.
The server got the $5.00 tip here too.
Each time we gave it today it brought a big smile to the servers face so it was fun to do.
(Our server for supper got a tip too but she got 20% of our meal cost like we normally give if the service is good).

I noticed they had this Gubuster and if we hadn't just eaten an entire meal and dessert, I may have challenged My Honey to a contest to see who could finish one.

They had this unusual tree in the town plaza, I've never seen one like it before.
After we finished eating, we headed back to the Tourist Information Booth to find some information on white river rafting.
Turns out we missed the ones for today but she gave us directions to their office so we could sign up for one for tomorrow.
She also gave us some suggestions on little hikes we could do here in town for this evening.
We headed over to sign up for the river rafting but turns out they only go at one time tomorrow, 12:30.
It takes 4 hours which would only get us back to GC at 4:30 then it is another 6 hours at least back home so we decided to skip it this trip and plan to come back another weekend.
I've been wanting to go for several years now but it just never seems to work out.
I am sure it will one of these days.

We headed over to see the "Crack of Doom" as the tourist info booth girls called it.
It was just a short 5 minutes hike through the woods.
I thought we would have trouble finding it but it was really well marked.
Found more berries on the way, this time Dew Berries.

It's kind of fun going on a little hike - I had flip flops on which aren't the best hiking footwear but at least it was only a little ways in.
There it is.

My Honey - he's so goofy - I love it.
His aim here was to make it look like he was doing a giant prostate exam, ha ha!

It looked pretty cool.

You could walk right between the split.

More pretty wildflowers

This was an unusual one.

My Honey picked him some dew berries for a snack
(I wasn't crazy about them).

More wild flowers.

Not sure what he was aiming for here.

We then took another trail they told us about.
This one was about 30 minutes there and back.

The views were just spectacular.

I love the color of these glacier rivers.

They had a few look out points where you could really take in the views.

Pictures just don't do it justice.

Love, love, love.

Of course I insisted we do selfies.

We were having a good time.

Another view point off in the distance there that we will make it to eventually.
This is the point where the two rivers meet.

My Honey was just taking pictures of everything too.


A better shot of the two differant rivers.

Being goofy.

Even though I am goofing, I was a little nervous on this look out spot if truth be told.

I wanted to take a profile shot of him - he is such a good model!
As you can see, I switched out my footwear for this little hike.

A Tale of Two Rivers.
Glad we got to see it.
We stopped and got some snacks then headed to the hotel.
I had ice cream of course.

My Honey had a screamer - soft serve ice cream and lime slushie.
I can't have these, I get brain freeze to bad and almost instantly the moment I take a drink so I stay away from slushie drinks now.

More prettiness along the side of the road.

The hotel had these unusual flowers in their flower bed.

In several colors.

I couldn't help but take more pictures.

My Honey relaxing in the hotel room.
The room was nice and the bed was comfortable again.
I had a bath (which I don't normally do in hotel rooms) but I was covered in bug spray and my back was bothering me a little so the hot water felt good.
We watched a couple of specials about TV in the Eighties and Nineties - brought back lots of memories.
I really enjoyed them.
It was a great day and it was nice when it was time for lights out too.
Until next time, be happy!

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