Tuesday 18 July 2017

Storm Casualties

We woke up to a cool, cloudy day so I wasn't feeling all that bad about not being able to go river rafting.
I think it may have been a bit cold for that today.
I had another fiver left so for my 'good deed' today I left it in the room for the cleaner.
I never used to tip them and I don't always think of it but try to when I do, especially if we've stayed for a few nights and they have cleaned our room for us a couple of times.

Even though it was cloudy, the sky was clearer than it was last night and you could see the mountains.
What a pretty view to wake up to.

We ate breakfast at a little place appropriately name "Mountainview Restaurant".

Think maybe he gets tired of posing for pictures for me all the time so he likes to get silly.

I had crumpets with berry compote, eggs, spinach and pine nuts.
Weird combo - it wasn't that great.
The crumpets were soggy and the hash browns were cold.

My Honey had the Prime Rib Eggs Benedict.
As you can see, there was barely any hollandaise sauce, he got a miniscule serving of beans.
We were both disappointed - the food was way over priced and it wasn't very good.
Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

Thought this was neat, we have one at home.

Coal used to be the big industry here in GC, now this is the only working coal mine left.
What a gorgeous place this would be to go to work every day.
I just imagine what being on the train would be like and all the fabulous scenery you would pass by, like this gorgeous vista.

More Queen Anne's Lace.

It was just everywhere along the highway and peppered in through the trees too.

It looked so pretty I made My Honey pull over by the side of the road so we could get some up close shots.

I opened the truck door to find this at my feet,
So in true Tom Hanks fashion, I had to take a picture to post.

Lots more Indian Paint Brushes on the way home as well.
The colors just look so brilliant against that lush green.

We stopped at another campground to check it out.
We followed a little trail in through the woods but didn't want to go in too far so we stopped for a selfie and headed back.
We arrived in GP in late afternoon.
We did stop back into the greenhouse and I opted not to buy the hanging basket that I loved but I got some bedding plants that were on sale (4 for the price of 1, what a steal!)
My Honey got a couple of huge tomato plants too, they were buy 1 get 1 free.
Then I felt like a hamburger for supper so we found this little place called Burger Heaven.

I had the BBQ Bison Burger, fries and dilly dip.
It was mediocre.

My Honey had a Mushroom Swiss burger, he said his tator wedges were cold.

They also had homemade corn chowder so we tried that - I didn't care for it either.
So all in all, it was another disappointing meal for today.
We won't go back there.
We stopped at Walmart for some supplies and ran into the niece there, Miss MT and her guy were doing some shopping.
Then it was back on the road for another 4 hours.
I love seeing rain off in the distance like this.
Then it cleared up and this rainbow appeared.
You could see the colors really distinctly against the clouds in the back ground.
We arrived home to some sad sights.
Hail or something must have come through over the weekend because my flowers were looking awful.

And the gazebo is toast.

It made me feel sad to look at it all like this when just last week it was looking so nice in the backyard so I just left everything as it was and went indoors.
Not much to do now except take it down anyway.
It was a nice weekend.
I ate horribly this evening - I picked up lots of goodies (junk) at Walmart earlier and I ate all kinds of it when I got home.
I call it my "Last Hurrah" and do it often when I am planning on getting back to eating right but it happens far too often.
When I do it, I feel bad about myself too and I notice that it really bothers my belly.
I've been eating horribly for the last two weeks and this weekend I was back to taking pepto bismal pills because my stomach was feeling so bad.
You would think that would be motivation enough to eat well but it doesn't seem to be.
Anyway, all I can do is dust myself off and carry on, try to do better from here.
Weigh in will NOT be pretty tomorrow, that is for certain.
My mom is flying out tonight to PEI for a few weeks to visit.
My brother wanted to take her into the airport and stay in the city for a few days so she was already gone when we got home.
Earlier today I was thinking that mom had flown out last night for some reason and I called my sister to see if she arrived ok.
First thing my sister asked was if mom was getting excited about coming out and I was so confused because I thought she should have picked her up by now.
I was thinking "OMG, my mom is just sitting there at the airport and nobody showed up to get her"
At first my sister thought I was messing with her but then she was getting worried because she thought maybe she had missed picking up mom too.
It was kind of funny when I realized my mistake.

Anyway, it was nice to spend the weekend with My Honey and now it's back to the grind.
Until next time, be happy!

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