Sunday 9 July 2017

Happy Friday

It's Happy Friday - Yay!

I started the morning off right with a coffee and a cinnamon bun.
I have kind of developed a defeatist attitude this week and given up on eating healthy for a few days.
I am feeling like why bother with the effort if I am not going to see results.
I know that's not true and I won't continue on like this but for now it's just where I am at.
It will pass of this I am certain.

I made a nice coffe and enjoyed a couple episodes of Big Little Lies

I had some leftovers for lunch.
It was just as good today as it was last night.

After lunch, mom & I went out to the Golf Course to sort bottles.
Doesn't she look thrilled?
It is a sticky, stinky job but someone's gotta do it.
It was a lot of bending over and it took us just about 3 hours to finish up.
We would have spread it out a little but the bottle guys is coming tomorrow to pick them up so we didn't have that option.

I ordered take out for supper and picked it up on the way home.
I also decided that we deserved treats for all of our hard work so we got ice creams.
I ate my dessert before I ate my supper!

Mom liked her treat too!

Supper was greek salad and chicken Caesar salad.

Then we sorted more bottles - this time the ones from our garage.
I figured it would give mom a little spending cash for when she goes to PEI next week.
My Honey helped and we were done in no time.

Then he & I strung lights in the gazebo.
We picked up these lights probably about 3 years ago and they've been sitting on a shelf in the basement ever since.
I am glad we finally got a chance to use them.

They look really good in there.
It stays light out so late here that I am not sure how often we will need them but they just add a summery feel that I love.

It was late when we got them up so My Honey was off to bed and I was off to the tub to wash off all that stinky sticky from sorting bottles.
I read a little more of the new book I just started
The Women in the Castle.
I think I am going to like it.

Today's Facebook Flashbacks
NYC 2015

On this day back in 2015 we checked out the Central Park Zoo.
It is just a small place so it didn't take us long.

Then we went exploring around Central Park.
There is so much of it that we still haven't seen.
I have a tough time finding my way around in there - it is so easy to get turned around.

We finally found the place where they have the remote control sailboats.
I've seen it in lots of shows and movies so it was neat to see it in person.

Then I wanted to go for a romantic boat ride.
Of course it was right in the heat of early afternoon, My Honey insisted on being the rower (such a gentleman) and I applaud him because it was swelteringly hot that day.

We saw this pile of turtles - made me think of when as children we would yell "dog pile on ...." then everyone would pile up on whoever's name had been mentioned.
Except this was a "turtle pile".

After our boat ride we were wandering and these are just some of the other sights we happened upon.
This fellow created this ingenious giant bubble blower, he had a few of them made and a bucket full of "bubbles" that he was sharing with anyone who wanted to give it a try.
It was refreshing to see someone doing something like not for profit but just for fun.
You can see the fellow beside him in the shorts is clearly enjoying himself.

Lots of people were stepping up to give it a try - even this little guy.

This little fellow was just enjoying running around trying to pop the giant bubbles.
Incidentally - My Honey made these bubble blowers later on in the summer for my nephews and young cousins in PEI and they were a hit there as well.

These street performers came up with their own set of drums - they were really talented.

This made me giggle - even cookie monster needs a break sometimes.

We finished off the evening with a show we picked just because it was on sale at the TKTS booth and it ended up being an AWESOME show.
I learned a lot about Carole King that I never knew or even thought I would be interested in knowing.
If you have a chance to see it ever - do!

Then a couple from this day in 2016 popped up on Facebook too

Shopping around we came across these phone cases - I wanted one but they only had them for Iphones and I have a Samsung.
How cool are they?

And on this day last year we were seeing Waitress.
Again, we choose it because it was discounted at the TKTS booth.
It was good - one of the actresses from Orange is the New Black (Kimiko Glen) was in it.
The fellow who played her romantic interest in this show sang a really memorable song about how she was "never ever getting rid of him".
It was pretty funny and I downloaded it on ITunes as soon as I got back to the hotel.
Fittingly it is entitled Never Ever Getting Rid of Me

I was reading one of the blogs I like to read yesterday "This Life I Live" by Rory Feek and in it he talks about a friend of his who decided to do a good deed for someone each and every day.
Sometimes it's a big thing, other times just something small but she makes an effort every day to seek out an opportunity to do something kind for someone else.
She said that it has been so rewarding for her and that has inspired me to try to do the same.

So, today I sat down and did something that I have been meaning to for a while.
I took a picture at our recent work golf day and a coworker wanted me to send her a copy.
Even though it was something that I would have done eventually - making myself sit down and do it today felt good and so I am considering that my good deed for today.

And that's another wrap.
Until next time, be happy!

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