Monday 17 July 2017

Stormy Weather Again

This morning as I was leaving for work I noticed that the flowers My Honey planted are looking pretty darn good.
I especially like this one.
Work was pretty busy today.
I took an early lunch and went home to make some updates to Miss BH's ipod.
I had downloaded everything on my library for her to use at her sisters wedding this weekend but I have very ecclectic taste when it comes to music and I was thinking that not everyone would appreciate or maybe enjoy my whole entire library.
So I quickly redid the import but this time I only checked off the albums that I figured folks at a wedding party would enjoy.
She was off early today and heading to the lake for the weekend so I wanted to get it to her before she left.
The sky was looking very foreboding when I left work for the day.
I stopped home to change into some long pants as I was freezing then,
I headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things before heading out to the golf course.
Just as I was leaving however, it started to hail so I turned and headed back to town to go and put my flowers in the shed.
Before I got there the sky opened up and it was a downpour
I arrived to the backyard to find the gazebo completely upside down.
It was raining so hard that I didn't get a picture and the wind was so strong, the gazebo so big that I couldnt' really do anything about it and had to leave it like that.
I did get my plants put away in the shed but I was completely soaked so I had to change again.
I finally headed out to the golf course - there was nobody around because of the weather so I thought we would get out of there early but My Honey still had lots of prep work to do so that didn't happen.
Mom & her friend Ms DM did drop in for supper though.
Miss DM had taken mom to WCT for her hair appointment which saved me a trip so as a Thank You and for my "Good Deed" of the day, I bought them supper.
They both had the Burger Love special but neither was able to finish!
 We headed home around 10 pm.
My brother and son had been over to right the gazebo but the screen did get ripped a little and it is looking a little sideways.
My Honey has the next 3 days off so we are going to head out somewhere and I am really looking forward to it.
This memory popped up on Facebook from July 2014 
We had kind of an impromptu family reunion at My Uncle's place for my dad's side of the family.
Almost everyone was there and it was so nice because it had been quite some time since I had seen many of them.
It was the first time my dad got to meet little Mr D and it was the first time My Honey got to meet my relatives on that side of the family.
It was a very nice day.
That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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