Thursday 6 July 2017

A Day with My Honey

Today was dedicated to just My Honey & I spending some time together.
It didn't really matter to me what we did - as long as we did it together.

First thing we did do was find a place to have breakfast.
I found this little place we'd never been to so we thought we would give it a try.
Romans Family Restaurant on Stony Plain Road.
My Honey had the eggs benedict.

I had a veggie omelet and a side of bacon.
I was trying to choose a healthier option.
The hash browns were really good, I just didn't eat very much of them and I shared my bacon with My Honey (I love him that much).
We didn't have anything on the agenda but becaue it was such a beautiful day we wanted fo find something that we could do outdoors.
We decided to check out Ukranian Village.
I've heard of it in the past and wanted to go but just had never made it there.

It is set up the way a Ukranian Village would have been back when they first arrived here in Canada.

There were staff dressed up in period costumes and they totally played the part.
They had accents and acted as though they really lived there (they don't).
It was cool though and they answered questions about their roles in the community.
This guy was the blacksmith so he was telling us all about what that job entails.

This is one of the three churces on site.
The tour guide told us about how they liked to decorate - they painted the ceilings blue to mimic the sky which I thought was neat.
They also stood for the sermons - men on one side and women on the other.
They did have a small bench along either side so that the elderly could sit.
They also didn't use instruments of any kind - they believe that the human voice is the most beautiful instrument available to man.

They bell towers were not attached to the churches because of this.

Some more old clydesdales - I just think they look so strong and majestic.

Tour of a school room.
Students today still come to this school and are taught a lesson by an onsite teacher for an educational field trip.

We smelled this fellow before we actually saw him.
He was scratching his butt against the fence post.

My Honey loves making new friends - even if they do have a bit of an odour issue.
Mr Pig was just loving him.

I love the look of this place.

Another fellow in costume/character - he really wasn't breaking character either.
Check out that huge wooden bread bowl on the table beside him - I would love to get one for My Honey - it was cool.

Another cool building, love the thatched roof.

There were lots of chickens running around.

I thought this was some kind of a smoke house but it was actually a little home.
So dark in there and tiny but I guess it would be warm and cozy in the winter.
You would be able to hang out in there though, really just enough room for a bed and a wood stove.

The second church, a little fancier than the first but following the same decorating style.

The police officer had his office right in his home.
He would be the only one for miles around so he was basically on call 24/7.
The jail was even in the house - I wouldn't want to have to stay in this for very long - pretty cramped quarters.
My Honey was taking most of the pictures today - he forgot his camera so I lent him my phone - he has an eye for unusual things so I thought he would be the better one to take care of the documenting photos today.
He did capture this pretty flower that I don't even remember seeing.

The third and final church and the most elaborate.

Check out this chandelier - it is all hand carved from wood - isn't that amazing?

The hotel there had a special - too bad we were there on Sunday when they were closed - that is quite the deal!
(They don't actually ever have it available, the hotel clerk was just playing the part and I thought it was funny)
They did have a kitchen on the way out though so we stopped for a bite to eat.

I had the borsch.
It was ok.
We also had the platter which was kind of pathetic.
It had pyrogies and sausage(should have had cabbage rolls too but they were out), none of it was homemade, except maybe the coleslaw.
It was very expensive too.
They could have real home made ukranian food there and it could be a gold mine.

Elk Island National Park was across the street so we thought we would check it out too.
I didn't have my park pass I got to get into all the Parks Canada parks free for the year in celebration of Canada's 150th but they had nobody at the ticket booth anyway so we just drove right in.
The park was huge with all kinds of lakes and group areas to hang out.
Tons of people were making use of it too which was nice to see.

They had these frames set up for folks to take their pictures in then post on instagram.
We will skip the instagram but we had to take the pictures, I mean, just look at that scenery in behind us.

I picked up a new hat at the gift shop over at the Ukranian Village earlier today - it came in handy for sure.

Just look at all those canoers and kayakers out there.
I want to go back and give it a try another day when it isn't so busy and we have more time.
We stopped by the Italian Market (one of My Honey's favorite stores) to get a few things and I indulged in a Watermelon gelatto.
Earlier in the day I had made reservations at a new restaurant I read about online that looked intersting.
XIX Nineteen
It was kind of more upscale than I was expecting but we were still willing to give it a shot.
My Honey had the octopus dish to start.
I had this cream of mushroom soup with truffle oil (it was the best thing I had).
When I showed this picture to My Honey he laughed and said it looked like a clogged toilet - ha ha.
oops on the picture taking skills - it's kind of gross but he is right, it does.

I then had the roasted chicken wrapped in prosciutto.
It was over cooked and then there were parsnips which I love but they were under cooked.

My Honey had a ramen noodle dish with a lobster tail.
It had a peanut type sause which I didn't feel went well with the lobster.

Dessert was pumpkin cheesecake - it was delicious.
All in all, we were very underwhelmed.
We don't mind paying higher prices if the food is good and well cooked but this was neither of those things.
We will not be going back.
We were seeing lots of wild roses today.

They aren't my favorites but they are pretty.
We stopped to grab a few supplies at Wally World (Walmart) then headed home.
It was quite late.
We could see a lightning storm off in the distance and we drove right into it about 20 min in.
We had a 2+ hour ride to get home and at first the lightning all around us was really cool.
Then it started to really rain and the lightning was just constant - I was worried because I saw quite a few deer along the side of the road.
About 10 minutes out from home it seemed to clear up and we thought we were home free then about 5 minutes later the skies just opened up.
It was the absolute worst down pour I have ever seen.
You couldn't see anything around you - I wanted My Honey to stop because I was scared but he said he couldn't - he couldn't get off the road and someone could potentially come up behind us and run into us.
So we crawled home and it was the longest, scariest few minutes ever.
The roads in town were just flooding because so much rain was coming down so fast.
When we did get home, it let up a bit so My Honey went and moved most of my plants to the shed but they had already sustained a bit of damage.
Hopefully they will come back.
It was after midnight when we got home then after 1 am before I actually got to bed so I am expecting to be tired tomorrow.
OK now for more memories.
NYC Trip 2014
We took in a game at Yankee Stadium.
It was really neat to be there.
We had great seats, right off the first base line.
However, they were right out in the sun and we felt like we were melting.
We bought little towels just so we could soak them and put them on our heads.
While it was cool to go to a game and see it in person, it is a pretty boring sport as far as I am concerned so once was enough for me.
We also went to the oyster bar in Grand Central Station and had a feast!
Looking at this right now is making me kind of hungry.
That's all for today folks, until next time, be happy!


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