Wednesday 12 July 2017

Weigh In Day

Even though I knew it wasn't going to be pretty, I weighed in this morning.
I am just feeling out of the zone and I can't get back into it for some reason.
I am hoping a dose of reality does the trick.

247.2 lbs
That is up 1.2 lbs.
Not at all what I wanted but I most definitely expected it.
Time to regroup, reset and just get back on track.
Why is it so hard?

It was freezing today so I had my trusty heater turned on full blast in my office.
It was so toasty and warm in there that I didn't want to leave.

I did really well trying to get my steps in today.
I picked up this treadmill for $100 bucks off a local buy & sell group (My Honey actually paid for it for me, thank you to him) and took it to the office and set it up in a spare office.
I used it every hour for 5 minutes - I would just go in there and shut the door and get to work.
I thought it would come in handy - especially in the cold winter months - but I don't use it as often as I hoped I would.

Late in the morning I was sitting at my desk munching on my carrots when suddenly I heard this crunch and felt something really hard.
Part of my temporary crown had fallen off!
A small piece had already broken off so now most of my tooth was exposed.
I was heading to WCT later today for a Doctor appointment anyway so I called the Dentist to see if they could fit me in today to fix it.

They did!
I dropped in to the dentist and they replaced the temporary crown.
They still want my gum to heal a bit more before they give me the permanent one.
Mom came for a drive with me and I dropped her off to get a manicure & pedicure while I went to the Doctor.
I am due for a new IUD.
Unfortuntately I have to go all the way to WCT to see the Doctor and get a prescription then turn around and go all the way back again to get it inserted.
Luckily the doctor saved me a trip and offered to let me run out and pick up the prescription then come right back and get the procedure done.
The only bummer about that is I normally would have taken some pain meds beforehand as it does cause cramping.
In fact, I forgot how much it hurt - when she removed the old one it hurt so much I almost was going to skip getting another.
I didn't though and I was super happy that she saved me a trip so I just sucked it up.
This is my 3rd one that I have had now.
I hear of lots of folks that have bad experiences with them but I have not.
I think it's great that I only have to deal with it once every 5 years.
I had planned on doing some shopping while I was down there but because I was experiencing the cramping I just didn't feel like it.

Mom & I did stop for some supper though.
We went to Edo and I had the Shrimp Noodle bowl.
They have added a few new things to their menu.

I also had an order of edamame - which I love.
I got teriyaki to dip them in but it wasn't that great.

It was quite a nice day out but all you can smell in the air is wood burning and the air is just full of smoke.
Hard to believe it is coming from the wild fires burning in BC, hundreds of miles away.
I feel for all those folks and it is a shame about all that wooded land too - I hope they are able to get it under control soon.
Todays good deed - my brother watched Max while mom & I went to WCT so I picked him up a scratch ticket to say Thank You.

Also, my  other brother wanted to do a little work on his truck (he got new running boards he wanted to install) so I offered to watch the kiddos again.

We went outside to hang out in the tent again.
We had ice creams and I prefer if it melts all over the place outdoors as opposed to indoors.

Miss A had two bowlfuls!
And I had two ice creams.
They are just little ones but one probably would have been enough.
I just couldn't decide which I wanted more.

This one was really tasty.

Mr H was enjoying his although he was sharing with Max.

Afterwards he snuggled with Nanny again for a little and I gave him some chips for a snack.

He ended up feeding them all to Max.

My Honey got home and planted all the flowers I had picked up for him on the weekend.
He is proud of his work as he should be!

Hard to see it but the sun was looking really neat in behind all that smoke in the air.
Flashback to NYC July 10, 2015
We refer to this trip as our pizza trip.
We ate A LOT of pizza - knocked quite a few places of My Honey's pizza wish list and this place was one of them.
 John's Pizzeria of Bleeker St.
You can only order whole pizzas and we tried just the regular one.
It had mozzarella and tomato sauce and it was delicious!
I've really grown to enjoy my pizza this way on this trip.

My Honey has wanted to try it for awhile so you can tell he is pretty happy.
I knew which pizza place it was right away from the wall in this picture.
There are names carved in it all over - it is pretty cool.
Anyway, that's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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