Monday 17 July 2017

Road Trip with My Honey

I was up nice and early this morning, excited about heading out.
I got ready then headed out to the golf course to give Ms SV a quick lesson on the new cash register that was installed out there yesterday.
I got the day started right with this healthy breakfast (not).
It tasted delicious though.

Today was my niece Miss M's last day at her job as the restaurant she works at was sold and today is the last day before the new owners take over.
It will be a big change in the town as the owner has been running that place for at least the last 25 years.
After work tonight Miss M, her boyfriend, his dad & brother are heading out on a road trip.
They are driving to New Brunswick and it will take them about 4 days to get there.

So for my good deed of the day, I stopped at the store to pick them up some road trip snacks.

It was also the first time that I'd actually stopped by to see her place since she moved in and I've been promising to so I was glad that I finally had a chance to.

It's a cute little place, just the perfect size for the two of them and she is keeping it nice & clean.

Awe - a milestone - their first ever apartment together.

We left there and stopped at the grocery store for our own road trip snacks.

My Honey tried the glutten free chocolate cake they had there - I had a bite too, it tasted pretty good.
My Honey ate his snacks and then we hit the road.

We decided last minute to head to Grande Prairie.
The canola fields just look so beautiful this time of year.
It's hard to capture in a picture but this gives an idea.

We stopped at the giant gas station in ValleyView for a pee break and a snack.

Of course I opted for ice cream for a snack - my favorite summer time indulgence.
Even added some salted peanuts which didn't really go that well actually.

We called ahead to My Honey's family that lives in GP to see if they could meet for lunch.
Luckily everyone was available on such short notice and we made a reservation for 5:30 at Firecrust.

We picked up his nephew and had a little time to spare so shopped around the Dollarama for a bit.
We met his niece and her fellow coming out of the pet shop right next door.

My pizza was delicious - I had the Prosciutto Arugala - it doesn't normally come with red sauce but I asked if they could add a little and it was perfect.
I had their salad too and it was yummy.

I got the waiter to take a picture of our whole group, us, the niece, her honey, the nephew and My Honey's brother.
We ate and hung around and chatted for so long that BIL's honey got off work and joined us for a little.
Then we went back to their place to visit some more.

It was close to 10 pm when we finally went to drop off the nephew Mr JT. 
He & My Honey had picked up a couple of pink flamingos at the Dollarama and he really wanted to put one on the lawn for his mom.

Very proud of his addition to the landscaping.

I was in awe of how beautiful & healthy her flowers were looking so I just had to take a photo.

Our original plan was to head to Grande Caches after supper which is still another 184 kms from GP but because it was so late we opted to get a hotel room and leave in the morning.

This is the place we picked to stay at - The Podollan Inn & Spa.

The bathroom was updated very nicely and the bed, pillows and bedding were awesome!
You never know what you are going to get but I would absolutely recommend this place and would stay again for sure.

We watched a little tv but it wasn't long before I was nodding off.

Looking forward to tomorrow's adventures.
Until next time, be happy!

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