Thursday 6 July 2017

Happy Fourth of July

Woke up to an absolutely beautiful day.
I didn't walk because I didn't get up in time for that but I wish I had.

Work was busy and afterwards I headed straight to the golf course as it was men's night.

My Honey made ribs, corn bread, home made beans, twice baked potato and Mexican corn for the special tonight.  
and I had a plate with a little of everything.
I am still reeling from that awful weigh in yesterday and although I didn't have a full out binge - I did feel a little defeated and had a bit of a poor me day where I medicated with food.

He made gingerbread cake too.
It is his mom's recipe and I just love it.
It's moist and gingery and just a little heavy - just the way I like cake to be.
I had two pieces.

One of the girls there noticed these out on the deck and took us out to show us.
A very pretty, BIG moth - she was brave to pick it up, I sure wouldn't have.

You can see what a lovely day we had.
My boy and his honey cooled off in the river.

It was a really full day again - I am looking forward to tomorrow when I can go home after work and just do.....nothing!

Today 4th of July celebrations are going on down in the States.
I have lots of memories popping up again from our trips down there so here they are.

Starting with July 4, 2014
We started off the day by going down to the 911 memorial to see it.
It was touching to see.

We bummed around for awhile then headed over to a pizza place in Brooklyn that My Honey wanted to check out.
Paulie Gee's
He'd seen it on a show or a blog or something and has wanted to come here for awhile.
Paulie Gee himself happened to be there and stopped to chat with us for a bit which My Honey really enjoyed.
He ordered the Cherry Jones pizza which had cherries on it.
I thought that was a strange combo but tried it and was hooked.

I can't remember what kind I had but it was delicious too.

After we ate we gathered at a park down the street from the restaurant with hundreds of others to watch the fireworks.
Our view was obstructed a bit but it was still a great show.

My feet were swelling up pretty good by this time.
It always happens when I go there - I am not sure why?
I even started getting a horrible rash too - my MIL thinks it is a form of varicose veins and I think she may be right.
They go right back down as soon as we get home but boy do they ever look pudgy here.

July 4, 2015
This year I was prepared for the festivities and got all decked out in my Fourth of July gear.

I took this at breakfast.
We were a little worried because it was sprinkling out a bit but it cleared up very nicely.

There were no shows on for tonight so we went to a matinee in the afternoon.
We just randomly picked this one at the TKTS booth and it was a great pick.
It was set back in Shakespearian times and was all about a fellow who started his career with Shakespeare but has not had as much success.
He is desperately trying to outdo his arch nemesis so he enlists the help of a fortune teller to find out what Shakespeare's next play is going to be about.
The fortune teller is legit but get a word wrong here and there so instead of Hamlet he comes out with Omelet.
From there - a whole play about omelets is created and it is really clever and funny.
We loved it and are so glad that we picked it.

Waiting for the show to start.

After the show we headed to the waterfront to hop on our cruise.
My Honey booked us a cruise so we could be out on the river to watch the fireworks this evening.

Selfie with Lady Liberty.

No matter how many times I see her, I am still amazed every time.

We were hanging out all day on the cruise - it was a fun time.

Lots of other folks were out on the water too enjoying the lovely day.

Macy's barge going by - it is carrying all the fireworks.
There are a few of them out there.

It was quite the party out there - a family friendly one.
People were dancing and having a great time and I loved being a part of it.

The Brooklyn Bridge looked spectacular from this angle.
It was a wonderful night.

July 4, 2016

We decided to celebrate this year by doing a Statue of Liberty tour.
We've seen her many times but have never actually gone over to the island so off we went.

I loved seeing her up close - we went inside as well.
Such an iconic thing.

That was first thing in the morning.
After we were done we decided to hop on the subway and head out to Coney Island.

It was the 100th Anniversary of the Hot Dog eating contest there and it was packed with people.

We just got there as it finished up - now the countdown is on until next years contest.

We picked up some Wahlburgers which is now open there.
We had to wait a long time for it.

Then we looked for an empty spot to sit on the beach.

It was packed with people.

We hung out there for awhile then headed back to Brooklyn to look for a place to eat.
Found all these goodies at the store.
Love finding things that aren't available in Canada yet and trying them out.
The Reeese Pieces YoCrunch was delicious.
The pop tarts were pretty good too and I don't even like them normally (I am a big orange fan though)

I couldn't believe how cheap these strawberries were - WOW - they might as well have been giving them away.

We found a little pizza place for supper but it took FOREVER to get our food.

It did eventually arrive and it was good.

It was getting late by then so we headed back to our hotel.

I like how the buildings were lit up for the celebration as well.

The hotel had a nice rooftop patio so we went up there to watch the fireworks.

It rained a little but we were prepared!

We had an awesome view and the fireworks show was amazing, I think it lasted for about 25 minutes.

Well that was a nice little trip down memory lane - I love our trips and I enjoy reminiscing about them afterwards.
Can't wait until our next one.

Well that's all for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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