Thursday 27 July 2017

Dentist Visit, Again.

Woke up to another lovely day - now this is what summer is supposed to be like!

Mr BN was the recipient of my good deed for today.
I think he was happy to get them - he said they will be snacks for he and his sister when they go on their road trip to BC this weekend.

I had planned on working through lunch but had to go out to the bank to get paycheques for the staff at the golf course and then My Honey asked if I could pick up some ground beef for him at the grocery store so I figured I'd grab it while I was already out.

I couldn't let it sit in my vehicle all afternoon so I ran it out to the golf course and since I was going there, I called out and had My Honey cook me up some lunch.

I had an Elvis Burger ( a burger with bacon and peanut butter) and some fries with mayo to dip them in.
My Honey shared with me.

The debit machine stopped working while I was out there so I had to fiddle with it a bit to get it working again - finally did get it going though.
Technology is amazing but when it doesn't work, it sure puts a knot in things.

I left work a little early so I could head to WCT for a dentist appointment.

I feel like I'm getting to know the dentist so well, I've seen her so much recently.

She took the temporary crown off my back two teeth, cleaned them, took some cool looking 3D pictures with this new gadget and then put another temporary crown back on.

In two weeks I will be back again to get the actual crown put in and that should be it with dentist appointments for awhile.

I stopped at the golf course on my way back home so we could work on this weeks burger.
I had two ideas in mind - a Hawaiin Burger or a Thanksgiving Burger.
We wanted to do a coconut shrimp as a garnish on the Hawaiin but shrimp was 49.90/kg so I nixed that idea.

Instead I picked up maraschino cherries and shredded coconut.
I added the coconut to the corn dog batter we always have at the golf course and chopped up some cherries and mixed that in too.
I dropped spoonfuls into the deep fryer and made a sort of fritter.
I don't like those cherries so I didn't try it but My Honey and Miss SC said they were good.

In the end we decided on the Thanksgiving Burger though.
It has the burger, mashed potato, stuffing, turkey, gravy and cranberry sauce on it.
We also topped it with a little slice of apple pie left over from last night.
I had a quarter of one and I though it was delicious.

It ended up being a very busy night.

My hair dresser, Ms KS, dropped in for supper so I gave her a piece of apple pie on me to make up for missing my appointment with her last week.
I still can't believe that I did that.

Wednesday is couples golf night and we recently started having Wing Wednesdays so it was nice to see lots of folks out.
However, it meant we were there late, it was after 10:30 when we got home so no work out for me again today.

I did manage to get over my 10,000 steps in though (barely) and almost would have got the 12 hours with more than 250 steps if it hadn't been for the hour I had to spend driving.

I watched the final episode of the season for Counting On before heading to bed.
I haven't been getting as much sleep as I am used to lately so am glad that after tomorrow it will be the weekend again.

Well that's it for another day in the life of April.

Until next time, be happy!

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