Monday 24 July 2017

Bagels, Pizza and More.

Boy this weather we've been getting is sure not July weather.

I had bagels, cream cheese and raspberry jam for breakfast.
It might seem like a strange combination but believe me it is delicious.

Professor Snuggle was feeling just as lazy as I was today.
I watched a couple episodes of The Crown this morning while intermittently working on my post about our Panama City trip back in February.
If I get that done today I will be super happy - I've been meaning to do it for months.

I wasn't sure what I could do for my good deed today - I didn't really leave the house so I was a bit stumped there.
Then I was looking at Facebook and came across some pictures a fellow in town posted.
He is a hobby photographer, he is ALWAYS taking pictures of everything and he does really nice work.
One picture he had posted really caught my eye so I told him how beautiful it was and how much I liked his work.
Hopefully that made him feel good.

I had another bagel for lunch, this time with turkey and lots of pickled stuff.
I popped outdoors to water my plants then I was back at the Panama post.
It took me all day to sort through pictures, upload them and then write up the details of what we did.

The temperature dropped this afternoon and it was suddenly freezing out.
I had to shut all the windows and curl up on the couch with a blanket to get warmed up.
I watched the last episode of The Crown.
Now I will have to wait for the new season to watch more.

I was really procrastinating on the whole work out.
Finally I bribed myself into it.
I promised myself that if I just did 20 minutes at a 3.0 then I could get off the treadmill and call it a day.

I ended up staying on much longer.
I kept telling myself one more song or maybe one more song.
Then I covered over the time (which helps hugely sometimes, stops me from watching the clock which makes the time tick by sooooo slowly) and just kept going.
Then I noticed I was close to reaching 10,000 steps on my Fitbit so I decided to keep going until I hit that.
Lo and behold, when I uncovered the time, I had finished 3.2 miles (5 km) and I was right around the 53 min mark.

I kept going until 57 minutes then I did a 3 minute cool down.
The highest speed I got to was 3.7 but I am slowly inching my way up.

As you can see I am so proud of myself.
The workouts that I get done when I really don't want to are the ones that I am most proud of.

My Honey got home while I was still working out and he got right into the business of pizza making.
He had made the dough 3 days ago so even though it was cold and rainy out, he wanted to get it made into pizzas.
This is the first pizza going into the oven.

And presto - a perfect pizza.

Only about 6 or 7 more to go.

Best pizza maker in the world (in my opinion), most handsome one too!

I had a couple slices for supper.

The finished product.
Lunch for us both for days!

Some more memories popped up on Facebook.
These are from The Taste of Edmonton in 2015.

Miss SV was there for her first time, think she enjoyed it.

It was the second or third time for My Honey and I.
Still liked it just as much.

Miss SV's grand daughter came with us too.
They came in the truck with us and she ended up getting sick but she was feeling a little better at this point.
I am glad she ended up being able to enjoy herself.
We ran into Miss BK, her hubby and her grand-daughter as well while we were there.

These came up too,
These are from a trip we made to Fort Saskatchewan in 2014.
It is just outside of Edmonton and we had no agenda, we were just on an adventure.
I have a thing for trees and I thought these ones were particularly beautiful.

Selfie with My Honey.

It was a super windy day.

My hair was blowing all over the place.

They had sheep just roaming around the grounds in town.

I guess instead of mowing the lawn, they let these sheep roam around and eat it.

My Honey made fast friends with them.
He was carrying a bag of food and I think they could smell it, they all flocked right to him.

I love it when we just go places and wander and find what we find.
They are some of our most memorable trips.

That's it for today.

Until next time, be happy!

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