Thursday 27 July 2017

Weigh In Day

So my weigh in today was like a crap shoot.
I really had no idea what I was going to get.
My eating has been off the rails but I did work out 4 days straight and I worked hard.

250.2 lbs.
That's a loss of 2.6 lsbs and I'll take it!

Todays "good deed".
I left some sour candies for a co-workers son.
I found out at the parade we were in together that he really liked them so when I saw them, they made me think of him.

I also did a good deed for myself today.
I picked up some nice smelling hand soap for the washroom at work.
We do have a dispenser there that gets filled but I don't like how it smells.

See how happy I am - I brought a smile to my own face today!

Snacks this morning were this combo I saw on a blog that I read - The Hungry Runner Girl.
She does grapes and cottage cheese and I just added the blackberries because I had them on hand.
It was a hit!

I also snacked on more grapes throughout the afternoon.
I had leftover pizza for lunch - that was a no brainer.
I was thinking about having it for supper too until I remembered that I had taken some chicken out the other day and needed to get it cooked.

I did up some dishes and cleaned the kitchen a bit right after work then I headed down to the treadmill.
I didn't really have a goal in mind for my workout - I just wanted to do what I could.

I did another 5K.
So proud.
I started running/jogging at a 3.0 and went right up to 4.0.
I couldn't sustain that speed for longer than a song though so I worked my way back down.
I didn't worry too much if I had to lower the speed in the middle of a song either, I was more interested in the endurance at this point than the speed.
This method seems to be working for me so I am going to keep at it.

Happy that todays workout is complete!

Professor Snuggles always comes down with me and hangs out in the basement while I am working out.

I thought my toe was feeling a little uncomfortable during my workout.
Guess this means its time to cut my toenails.

I got the Chicken into the oven and some baby potatoes too.
My Honey came home as I was cutting up some veggies for a salad so I had him make up my all time favorite salad dressing.

Just a simple mix of the following ingredients:
olive oil
white vinegar
salt & pepper to taste. 

I prefer this over any other dressing, ever, period!

Supper was both healthy and delicious.

All in all, it was a great day.
I was happy with my workout - I know I won't get one in tomorrow because it will be a super busy day but a rest day will do me good.

I didn't meet all the goals for today but just about.
I think this is the most steps I have completed in a day for a super long time so I am pleased.

That's it for today.

Until next time, be happy!

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