Friday 21 July 2017

My Hero Turns 92!

Back to grey and dreary today - bummer.
On to more happy news...
My Grandma turned 92 today.
She is such a strong lady, she has been through so much in her life and yet she still enjoys life, she is just such a role model to all of us.
She birthed 16 children, between them they have given her over 27 grandchildren, 49 or so great grandchildren and the great grandchildren have even started coming.

She has lost her husband, 8 of her children which I can't even fathom but her faith in God & Religion is still strong and I she really truly is a hero to me.

These were taken at her 90th Birthday Bash we held for her 2 years ago.
She was just like the belle of the ball and I think she enjoyed all the attention.

I think taking pictures with everyone got old kind of quickly but she was a trooper.
She didn't just have all of us either, there were nieces, nephew and friend and neighbours too but she smiled the whole way through.

This is a picture my cousin posted from today.
Her, my sissy and grandma.
So happy she had so many loved ones to share her special day with today.

I wish I could be there in PEI to celebrate with her today too but I will be there in a couple of weeks so at least I will get a chance to see her.


My good deed this morning was another treat, this time for Mr TC.
It is kind of fun trying to get to their offices before they do to leave them surprises.

For lunch Mr's BN & CO went out to the golf course so I got them to bring me back a taco salad.
They both tried the Burger Love special and Mr.BN said it was his favorite so far.

I raided my own treat jar for a snack this afternoon.

We have been tossing around the idea of going to Las Vegas in November with Mr. BN and his sister so we have been looking for deals.
My Honey texted me this afternoon and said he found a really great deal so he went ahead and booked.
Look out Vegas, here we come!
He booked at the Luxor which we've never stayed at so that will be interesting.
The Rock n Roll marathon will be going on while we are there too so I was looking into it - think I'd like to try it, at least a 10k, maybe even a half marathon.
Our flight gets in at 6:30pm on Saturday though and the expo to pick up your bib is over at 7pm so I wouldn't be able to make that.
I am going to research a bit further and even contact them and if I can figure out another time to get my bib, I am going to go ahead and enter.

I decided that even though my eating has been atrocious, at least I can still work out.
Somebody kept me company the whole time I was down on the treadmill.

I decided I would get on, put it at a slow pace (3.0) and just run/jog for as long as I could.
I upped the speed by .1 after each song and I ended up being able to go straight for 20 minutes.
I probably could have gone longer but as happens sometimes, everything jiggles around in my belly or something and I immediately have to go to the washroom.
I did get back on however and jog/run for another 10 minutes at 3.5.
Then I just walked to reach 10,000 steps because I was so close.

I figure if I can't get my eating under control, I can at least do something.
Also - if I want to run a 10k in November, I better start training now.
I'll get the eating part under control eventually, I know I will and if I am working out it might help give me a bit more incentive.

Supper was nachos and it was really good.

My Honey & I watched 2 more episodes of This is Us.
It's been awhile since we actually sat down in the evening and watched something together.
The second one we watched was a sad one - I knew it was going to make me blubber and of course, it did.
We only have 2 more episodes let from the first season and then I'll need to find something else for us to watch.

My Honey went to bed because he has to work in the morning but I kind of got sucked into watching Stephen Colbert monologues.

Seeing the whole Trump situation just boggles my mind.
It's just my personal opinion but I have never liked him, I was shocked when he was voted in as president and watch it all in disbelief really.

I think watching folks like Stephen Colbert and John Oliver and Bill Maher discuss what is going on politically and how they are completely flabbergasted about the whole situation too makes me feel a little better.
Like I'm not the only one who thinks it is all completely outrageous and over the top crazy.

I don't normally discuss politics with anyone except maybe My Honey because I think it's a slippery slope.
Also, I don't begrudge anyone their own personal opinions, we are all entitled to think what we want.
I just feel so strongly that Trump is a horrible person that when I come across people who think he is great, I am utterly appalled and disturbed quite frankly.
So it's best just not to go there at all.

Eventually I did have to stop watching, it was much later than I had planned staying up but I don't have to go to work in the morning so it was all good.

Well, that's it for another day, until next time, be happy!

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