Saturday 22 July 2017

Fun Friday

This morning was pretty chill.
I made a coffee, got the laundry started then ran myself a bath.
I stayed in there reading until I finished my most recent book,
The Women in the Castle.
I really enjoyed it - It was set around WWII in Germany and it was really good at showing how the war affected the people in Germany, both those that were Nazi's, those that were against Hitler and those that just kind of got caught up in it.
I would definitely recommend it.

I was so proud of myself because I did something today that I've always wanted to but never was able.
I put a French braid in my own hair!

Maybe not the neatest, prettiest French braid but I am still super happy about it.

Lunch was a turkey and spinach sandwich and some pickles again.
It hit the spot.
Those pickled, garlic beans sure are tasty.

I popped down to the pharmacy in town and picked up a bunch of cards this afternoon.
I choose this one to send to a friend for my good deed today.

She is one of the ladies on my curling team that I don't see a lot over the summer.
I sent it to her in the mail and I hope it brings a smile to her face when she sees it!

I stopped by the store to grab a few things for supper and ran into one of the girls from the local hair salon.
Turns out I had an appointment for this morning that I missed (I thought it was next Friday).
I felt just terrible about it - I would have loved to have gotten my hair colored today.
I will have to call on Monday now to reschedule.
Can't believe I got that so wrong.

This afternoon I got busy on my honey-do list at home.

Here is the broken vacuum "before" picture.

and here is the after.
Took it apart and put the new piece on all by myself!

Then I finally got this sign put up that I picked up months ago.

Next I sewed up a pair of My Honey's coveralls.
This is the "before"

and the after.
Good as new!

After that I had a break for a little while, sat down and looked for something to watch.
Was so happy to see a new season of this available.

When Calls the Heart.
It is really cheesy but I just love it.
It reminds me of Little House on the Prairie or Anne of Green Gables, family friendly, wholesome and heart warming, just a "feel good" all around kind of show.

I watched an episode then I figured I'd hop on the treadmill and get that done before My Honey got home.
My brother called just at that point and asked if I would watch the kiddos so he and my SIL could go to a movie.
Of course I did, I love spending time with them.

So I had company while I worked out.

Miss A "worked out" on the elliptical next to me and ate an ice cream sandwich while doing so.
Now that's what I call multi-tasking.

Mr H played with Professor Snuggles

and did a little working out himself (It was a work out just getting up on to the seat of this thing for him).

I put it on 3.0 again after a 3 minute warm up and ran for as long as I could.
I just wanted to surpass the 20 minutes that I did last night.
It was a little harder today, I only upped the speed to 3.3 but I did go for 30 minutes without a break so I was happy with that.
I did another 3 minutes for a cool down and called it good.

I put on Thomas for Mr.H because I wanted to work on getting supper ready and he is really busy so takes some energy to watch.

He did watch it for about 3 minutes.

Then he joined his sissy on the couch for a minute.
Her belly was feeling out of sorts so she was laying down until it passed.

That didn't last long either.
I was able to get some potatoes on to cook though and cut up some veggies for a salad.

When My Honey got home, we went outdoors so he could cook up some steaks.

Ipad dropped over for a visit.
I ended up potting all my new plants while we were outdoors.
My Son & My brother dropped by too to help My Honey put his new oven up on it's stand.
Mr H stripped off then when I took him indoors he had a little melt down so I didn't take any photos of my plants - tomorrow I will.

As always, if we need to calm a crying Mr H, balloons to the rescue.
That pacified him and so we sat down to our supper.

Steak, roasted potatoes and a delicious salad.

Miss A opted to just have some yogurt.
She looks unhappy here but she actually wasn't.

Mr H had a bear paw.
After we finished eating I took the kiddos back to their place as it was WAY past their bedtime and I wanted to get them to bed.

Night time rituals.

Right after he finished brushing his teeth, he wanted to eat some gummy candies, ha ha.

Mr Jones is looking in terrible need of a hair cut!

My Honey headed straight to bed as soon as we got home because it was late but I stayed up for a little longer and played some candy crush.

All in all, it was a great day and I still have two whole days of weekend left to look forward to.
I sure love these Fun Fridays of summer!

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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