Tuesday 18 July 2017

Oh Summer, Where Art Thou?

Woke up to a cold, dreary, rainy day again.
What the heck happened to summer, where oh where did it go?
The sun has been missing for days and it is just so grey and cold and dreary.
Not mid-July weather by any stretch of the imagination.

I noticed this unusual tree when I got to work this morning.
I always park right in front of it and I never noticed until this morning that it had two different colors of leaves on it, green and a reddish color.
How neat is that?

Good Deed of the day was for Mr RM today.
Hope it made him smile!

The part I ordered to fix my Dyson arrived today - yay!
It broke about a month ago so even though the part was $45 bucks, I didn't mind paying that to fix it because I love my Dyson.
My Honey bought it for me as a gift one time when he had to go away to Calgary on a work trip.

Afternoon snack in the office.
It was men's night tonight so after work I headed out to the golf course.

We had a lull between golfers so we tested out the Burger Love special for this week.
The Pizza Burger.
It has pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese and pepperoni that we crisped up on the grill and it's topped with a deep fried mushroom.
We were happy with how it turned out.

The special tonight was turkey dinner.
I had some turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce.
My Honey and I shared.
This is one of the tomato plants My Honey picked up on Sunday.
It seems to have faired the trip ok.

These are the bedding plants I picked up that were on sale.
I am hoping to get a chance to plant them tomorrow evening after work.

Our entire haul from the greenhouse - I think it was a steal of a deal.

This one plant of mine seems to be coming around a little.

This one has some broken parts that I need to take off but other than that, I think it is making a comeback as well.
I hope so - it was my favorite!

The plants along the garage seem to be doing ok and the lawn - well it sure isn't having any trouble growing.
It is in dire need of a mowing, hopefully it dries up a bit and I can get it done tomorrow evening.

We got home from the golf course around 10 pm this evening.
I am so glad that we have these short work weeks in the summer.
Only two more days at the office then it's the weekend again already!
Life is good.

We were looking at some trips today, we plan on going away in October and November.
We found some great deals for Las Vegas in November so it looks like we may go there with BN and his sister.
The Rock & Roll Marathon is going on while we are there so I think I am going to sign up for the half marathon and make myself train to be able to do it.

I need to do something and if I pay for it and sign up and tell people I am going to do it, maybe that will keep me accountable.
It is certainly worth a try.

Well that's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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