Sunday 9 July 2017

The Early Bird Gets Lots of Extra Fitbit Steps!

The first thing I did this morning before my morning coffee, before turning on the tv, before eating, was to get dressed, but on my sneakers and head out for a walk.
I knew if I did not do it right away that I might not get to it later and it was such a nice day.

I was hoping to run a little but my upper thighs are hurting even more than they were yesterday so walking was slightly difficult.
I pushed through though.

Mr Sun was out - I do love him so.

We have a little campground here in town and in the almost 10 years that I have been here, I have never drove into it to see how it looked.

So today was the day, I walked through and it is a cute little campground.

It is just small though, maybe about 12 sites or so

Campground selfie.  I was wanting to capture the cute little sites they have.

It also has these wide open sites that are right beside each other and that you have to book in advance.
Why anyone would choose to stay in one of these as opposed to the more private sites in the trees though is beyond me.

I walked for about 45 minutes and felt so good when I got home.
I had more steps on my Fitbit by 8:45 am this morning than I have had lately for entire days.

For my good deed today I offered to watch the kiddos for a few hours so my brother could have some time to himself.
They both work so much that they don't get much time off so I thought he could use a break.
Almost feels a bit like cheating though because I love spending time with them.

Before the kiddos arrived I got a message from my an old dear friend (Miss DZ) that I haven't heard from in ages.
I had sent her a few messages but hadn't really heard back from her so it was really nice to catch up with her.
She has had a lot going on with her son that she is trying to work through and so was keeping to herself but I am so glad that she reached out today and I hope she stays in touch.
She was my bestie, my neighbour, my voice of reason through some of the toughest times I've gone through and I hope she can find some happiness, she deserves it.

Mr H as usual was off and running..

He headed straight to the pool but it was a little to chilly for him I guess.
Miss A wasn't crazy about hopping into it either.

Mom with her ever constant companion.

Instead of pool time we blew bubbles.
That is always a good entertainer when it comes to kiddos.

Someone fell and skinned his little toes, poor fellow. 
I tried to apply band aids but he would only let me put one on - they weren't helping.

So instead I distracted him - ice cream to the rescue!

Miss A wanted some left over cake so much that she went in and brought it out herself.
She also had the foresight enough to bring plates, forks and a knife as well.
Smart little cookie right there!

Hard to believe that his mom cut his hair last night - thank goodness all those beautiful little curls are still there.

After the ice cream someone needed a thorough cleaning, ha ha.
He loves the bath anyway so it's entertaining for him.

He was getting a little fussy so I knew he was tired.
I got him some snacks and settled him in with Nanny and he was quite content.

Got Miss A some macaroni salad and apples with caramel sauce for her supper.
She thought that was great.

Not too long before he was out.

Nanny and her cuddle crew.

Guess Max didn't like having someone between him and mom so he had to get right on her lap.

After my brother came and picked them up a huge thunder storm came out of nowhere.
We've been getting a lot of them lately, must be all the warm weather we've been having.

My Honey ended up having to work late because there was a power bump, it's 9:20 pm and he still isn't home.

I just fixed up some leftovers for supper then hopped in the bath myself.
Read some more of my book - I'm starting to get into it now and it's really good.

I also got in another good deed today.
My friend, Miss BH, asked me to download my iTunes music on to her ipod and I have been kind of procrastinating about it so I made it a point to sit down and get that done today.

Feels so great knocking things off my to do list!


A few more memories from NYC.
These are from July 9, 2015
We took the subway to Coney Island to go to a pizza place Jason wanted to try out.

He saw it on a show and I have since seen that episode myself.

Happy to have found it.

It was really good pizza.
Worth the search.

After the pizza we hung around on the Coney Island boardwalk for awhile.
We even went for a dip in the water so afterwards we had to stop back in at the hotel to get cleaned up and change.

We had a show scheduled late that night but we decided to take the subway down a little further and come up in the West Village and just walk back towards Timesquare and our show to see what we would see.
We usually find interesting things when we do this and tonight was no different.

We happened upon a little restaurant called Cowgirl, it looked neat so we gave it a try.

I had the chicken fried steak and it was super good.

Then I had their signature dessert.
Believe it or not this is actually ice cream rolled in cocoa, topped with whipped cream, pistachios, chocolate sauce and the pat of butter is icing.
Eating it was so strange because it looked just like a baked potato and even though it didn't taste like one, your mind kind of plays tricks on you a little.

We saw The Color Purple that night.
It was a great show.
Not as good as the movie and they changed the plot a little but I still enjoyed it.

And that's it for today.
Tomorrow is weigh in day and I have no illusions that it is going to be a good one.
I am expecting a gain - as I should - but I am going to weigh in and face the music nonetheless.

I am also going to get back on track tomorrow as well - I have decided.

My goal this week is as follows;
Each day I want to
- do one good deed
- exercise for at least 30 minutes
- make wise, healthy food choices
- reach 10,000 steps on my Fitbit

These are very manageable and I am going to update my progress on it daily.

And that's it for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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