Thursday 27 July 2017

Terrific Tuesday

Woke up to sunshine this morning and boy does that ever make for a wonderful start to a day.
Didn't get up early enough to walk to work but I decided I would get a few walks in to the end of the lane today to make up for it a little.
I was determined to get in my 12 hours of 250+ steps.

Started off the morning with a good deed.
Today's treat was for Miss BK.

See how happy that sunshine pouring into my office makes me!

Walk number one for the day is in the books.
I never noticed how many daisies are growing along here until I actually walked beside them and I drive by them 4 times every single day!

There is tons of clover flowers too, not only are they pretty but they smell really nice too.

There are lots of these too - I used to think these were what my friend PP was referring to when she talked about Indian Paint Brushes but I've since learned that the nickname for these is foxtails.
Either way, they are quite pretty as well.

Had raspberries and grapes with my cottage cheese snack this morning.
The raspberries were on the tart side so I added a little sugar.
Perfect morning snack.

Lunch was leftover salad from last night with a chicken breast cut up into it and some of the leftover delicious salad dressing that My Honey made.
It was perfectamundo (I might have made that word up)!

After work I headed straight out to the golf course for mens night.
It wasn't busy as last week but it was still busy.

The supper special was Roast Beef, carrots, potatoes and apple pie.
I skipped the potatoes but had some carrots and roast beef with some of the fabulous horseradish sauce that Ms SV made to go with it.
I can hardly believe that I used to detest horse radish and refused to go near the stuff, what was I thinking?

I skipped the apple pie too and opted for the "failed" chocolate pie as Ms SV called it.
It wasn't a fail as far as I am concerned, I thought it hit the spot just perfectly.

It was around 9:30 by the time we left there.
I got home to a nice treat My Honey had picked up for me,

He got me chocolate chip cookie dough and pistachio - yum yum.

We watched an episode of Cosplay Melee - I am still amazed at how talented the folks are on it!

As predicted, I didn't get to workout today but I did manage to get my 10,000 steps in and I got 250+ steps for all of the 12 hours.

That's it for today  - until next time, be happy!

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