Thursday 13 July 2017

Pizza Oven is Here!

Some of the news reports have been calling for a heat wave here in Alberta but when I went outside this morning it felt like fall had arrived it was so chilly. 

I got my "good deed" ready for today and put it on JRA's desk before he got to the office.
I had a meeting this morning with Monica @ Alberta Brain Injury, mom and the girls from FCSS were there as well.
They have extended the contract with FCSS to have someone work with mom for 2 hours a day, 5 days a week for the next 6 months which is awesome.

I took mom home afterwards then as I was heading to the store to pick up some lunch this song that I love came on the radio.
Thankfully it was just as I arrived in the parking lot so I was able to snap a picture.
I learned this trick from My Honey - its a good way to remind myself later when I hear a song that I like.

I picked up a turkey dinner from the store.
I was surprised to fid that the potatoes were instant potatoes and the stuffing was from a box but it was still really tasty.
Just as I was finishing up, My Honey called and asked if I could meet the delivery guy at home.

The pizza oven he ordered over a month ago finally arrived and he was like a kid on Christmas morning, so excited!
I knew he would want to know what it looked like so I snapped a picture.

I picked up these also for a snack.
They were ok.

After work I headed straight out to the golf course for men's night.
It was cold and rainy this morning so we weren't sure how many men would be out but it cleared up so that was good.

Miss SV made sheppard's pie for the special (the boys in my family love it) so I decided to have some for supper.  I had one of her home made buns too and it was soft and fresh and so so good.

It ended up being quite a busy night and there were only 3 of us there so the night flew by.
I got home around 9:30 pm.
I expected My Honey to have his pizza oven set up and going but he had just gotten home himself - he had to work late.
I picked up a fresh passionfruit the other day because I still haven't tried a fresh one.
I figured I better give it a try before I had to end up throwing it away.
It was weird cutting into because the shell was hard, almost like an egg shell and it didn't feel like there was even anything inside.
Once I got into it though, this is how it looked.
It kind of looks like frog eggs a little, I tried it and it did taste like passionfruit.
Don't think I will be running out to buy these but I am glad I got a chance to try it finally.

My boy borrowed my car today to go to the zoo in the city with his girl and her family.
I love seeing that they include him - makes my heart happy!

I just love this picture of them - I am going to get a copy printed and framed for my place!


Now for some more NYC Memories.
These are from July 11, 2015.
It was our last day in NYC of that particular trip and we were bumming around Times Square and ran across these awesome statues that were temporarily on display.

The Famous Kiss.

I didn't get the memo about the "sober" face.

My Honey checking things out.

What a coincidence, Batman was just bumming around Times Square too!

It was another scorcher and this little guy was trying to cool down I think.

The new World Trade Center "Freedom Tower" was open so we went to check it out.
My Honey bought us the VIP Passes so we got to skip right to the front of the line.
I felt a little guilty about that but only for a minute.
Just check out this view of the Brooklyn Bridge.
I think it is just such a beautiful bridge.

Looking down on one of the reflecting pools where one of the old towers used to stand.

This little guy was enjoying the view.

Couple Selfie!

I just really like the photo of this man in uniform.

A differant perspective.
This is standing at the bottom and looking up at the tower.
It almost seems to disappear off into the horizon - I thought it looked so cool.

Today in toddler fashion!
I am loving that head piece!

"Minion Lisa"
This was on a random building that I walked by.
They had a few others too but this was my favorite.

You just never know what you will see when you are out and about.
These little guys are loving their ride and they seem to be checking things out too.
We had some thai food in the afteroon today.
I love this little origami flower they put in my thai coffee.
I had some sweet & sour soup - they didn't have my favorite lemongrass, coconut soup so I gave this a try and it was sooo flavorful.
Sweet & spicy & sour all at the same time.
It doesn't win out over my Thom Ka but I did really enjoy it.

Our show for tonight.
I adore Kristen Chenowith and would have loved to have seen her in Wicked but since I missed that opportunity, this is the next best thing.
The show was ok but Kristen was delightful.
She just has a knack about her, so good with the audience - I am thankful that I got to see her perform.
That's all for today.
Until next time - Be happy!




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