Monday 24 July 2017

A Saturday of This and That

My Honey had to work today and I didn't really have any plans so I figured I would just have a leisurely day at home.
There were a few little things that I wanted to get accomplished so I piddled away at them.

I loaded up the truck and made a stop at the recycle bins and then at the dump.
I was having trouble trying to figure out what to do for a good deed today and I was at the dump and it came to me.
The gentleman that works there lost his mom recently and they lived together and hung out together all the time.
So I thought I would like to do something for him.

I drove back into town, picked up a card, 

Some fudge and a scratch ticket, 

Tucked it all into this little bag then drove back out to the dump to give it to him.
I hope it made him smile today.

I stopped at the store and picked up a few goodies, like this carrot muffin with cream cheese icing.
It was delicious.

I did some deadheading on my flowers this afternoon and watered all of them.

These are all the new ones that I just picked up in GP.

I think they all look so good.

Hopefully we won't have any more hail storms come through and destroy them.

I really like the orange and the purple together on this one.

I picked up a few more of these pots to hang on the fence.
I just about have enough now to go around the entire yard.

I was running out of pots so I put two plants together in this one.

The color of these is so bright and vibrant, so pretty.

These are still looking a little limp, hopefully they come around.

There is My Honey's oven, doesn't it look awesome!

I was able to jog/run for 40 minutes today (3 minutes each for warm up and cool down too).
I am only going at a very slow pace but I think it will be a great way to work on my endurance.

Thumbs up for a completed workout!

After working out, I grabbed a quick shower then I was supposed to meet My Honey on the highway so we could head to WCT.
He ended up having to come in to town so I didn't have to meet him after all.

We made a quick stop at the dollar store so I could pick up some more "good deed" stuff to have on hand and then we went out for some supper.

Being silly as usual.

I decided to have a bubble tea - it's been awhile.

I went with the Tropical Sunshine but it didn't have much flavor to it - it wasn't that good.
I didn't even finish it.

Aww, My Honey & I.

We shared a bowl of their awesome curry chicken soup.
The chicken in it tastes odd to me but I just can't get enough of the broth.

I had ginger beef and coconut rice.
The ginger beef had A LOT of sauce on it but it still tasted good.

My Honey had a noodle curry dish that I didn't much care for but the pickled carrots that came with it were yummy.

We left there and picked up some supplies at Wally World and then we headed back home.

I got a Skor McFlurry for the road and what a great choice.
I almost went with M&M but at the last minute changed my mind and I think this is going to be my go to now.

I was looking for a new book to read and My Honey noticed this one at Walmart and pointed it out to me.
I was so excited.
Super Huge Anne of Green Gables fan over here and basically anything L.M.Montgomery.
I can't wait to delve in.

That's it for today.

I did have a few memories pop up on Facebook from 8 years ago - Wow - does time ever fly.

Jigging for mackerel on my uncles boat, caught one.

Getting some loving from my neicey - Miss M.

Hands down this is my favorite way to spend a day in PEI, out for a sail with my family.

And this is from the same trip, just hanging out with my cousin.
Boy when I see these pictures it sure makes me miss my family back in PEI.

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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