Thursday 6 July 2017

Happy 150th Canada

My Honey finally had a couple days off so we decided to hit the open road and see where we would end up.
On the road and wearing our Canada Day colors!
Today also just happens to be Canada's 150th Birthday - woot woot.
Proud Canadian over here.

I got some snacks for the road - trying to stick to good choices.
These are new (at least to me) so I wanted to test them out.
I must say that I didn't really like them and will stick to the turkey ones from now on.
We didn't really have a destination in mind but My Honey was talking with BN and his sisters who were in Neerlandia taking in the Canada Celebrations so we decided to head there too.

It was a lovely day and there were lots of people out and about.

Lots of red & white every where too!

Would have like to get a better shot of this adorable little pug but this poor lady had 3 small children she was trying to wrangle as well so My Honey gently suggested to me that I not make her wait around for me to take a picture.
He was right of course!

My Honey & I.

There was a parade and it was running way behind.
We thought we missed it but we were able to head to the end of the parade route and catch it from there.
I loved seeing these guys dressed up as the Fathers of Confederation - they must have been roasting.

By the time we saw the float it was nearly empty of people.

These ladies were sure enjoying themselves.

Punch Buggy Red.
I want it!!!!

The most famous fictional heroine to come out of Canada (at least in my mind) was there!

Anne of Green Gables.
I loved the period costumes - they were awesome.

The float was set up like a school room.
They did a great job with the floats.

This little calf seemed to be enjoying the ride.
I think these big Clydesdales are so beautiful.

Pretty sweet ride.

Couldn't tell if she was enjoying herself or not.

Ha ha - I thought this was clever.

I love seeing the kids in the parade.
Something I never had the chance to do when I was young.
My nephews would have loved this.

She looks like she's had enough.

Happy Birthday Canada!

I wanted to get a nice shot of this pretty horse and the girl in red carrying the Canadian flag.
After the parade we headed over to the area where the events were going to take place.
This community is mainly dutch and they had a stand where they were selling backed goods.
My Honey choose the two sweet things and I choose the sausage roll.
I only had a bite of each just to taste.
I wasn't crazy over any of it.

My Honey and Mr.BN being goofy.
They had a whole program of events planned for this weekend.
They really put a lot of effort into it as I am sure lots of other communities around the country did and I thought it was really great.

Everyone is gathering for the release of the balloons.
The plan was to have everyone sing Oh Canada then 150 red and white balloons would be released.

Showing off his red & white!
He has a flag collection at home and I am astonished but he didn't have a Canadian Flag in his collection before now *gasp*.
Well, he has one now.

I got one too - the Fathers of Confederation were handing them out.

Lots of people - big and small - where decked out in red & white today.
Even some not people where showing their Canadian pride!

And this little guy did look very proud.
Everyone is picking up their balloons.

These guys were here for the Mutton Busting which was one of the events scheduled for later today.

More red & white.
These girls were patiently waiting for the balloon release.
It was a little behind schedule as well but it finally happened.
I normally get a little emotional when the crowd stands to sing Oh Canada and today was no differant.
And there it is - the moment everyone was waiting for.

Probably not good for the atmosphere but it looked beautiful.

Next they had races for ALL age groups - starting with the little ones that weren't quite walking on their own but could at least crawl.
It was cute - they only had to go about 7 feet to the finish line but a couple stopped just short of the finish line and wouldn't continue on, ha ha!

The two year olds preparing to run.
On your mark, get set, go.......

Had to do a double take here - three girls - boy is that dad in for a ride!

Checking out the mutton - I felt bad for them - they must have been getting so hot in there.

Not sure what he was getting ready for?
The mutton busting event was not something I would ever put my child into.
I'd never seen it before but basically they just put the kid on the back of the sheep then let it go.
The child needs to hang on as long as they can (which is not long at all) - then the adults are right there to get the kid out of the fenced in area when they fall off.
Not for me.

We left there and walked around to see what else was going on.
They were having farmer olympics later and a tractor pull so the guys went to check out the tractors.
Guys and their tractors.
Tractors always make me think of my good friend PP back in PEI - she LOVES tractors.

And after that we were back on the road.
I picked up these this morning for the road and they were sweet and red all the way through like a strawberry should be.
I ate the whole container.
We headed in to the city and we were hungry so we found a place to eat first thing.
Lots of places were closed because of it being a holiday and all but luckily this place was open.
Haus Faukenstein.
It's a german place we've been by several times and we keep mentioning that we should check it out and finally today was the day.

They had tons of german memorabilia on the walls which was cool.
The first thing that struck me about the place was that it was SUPER clean.
Even with all that stuff on the walls it wasn't dusty at all - good sign!
They didn't have a lot of options on the menu - mainly schnitzel.
They gave us each a salad to start.
It was just a simple salad but it was good.

Then OMG - this made my night.
I lived in Germany as a child and I remember having goulash soup often when we ate out there.
I have been trying to find some that tastes the same as what I remember but no luck.
We've tried it at lots of German restaurants in BC but it always tastes to tomato-ie to me.
Until tonight - this tastes just like I remember and it was absolutely delicious.
I may be stopping here often from now on just to get a bowl of this!

My honey had the shrimp schnitzel with fries.

I had the schnitzel with onions and garlic butter with ceasear salad and potato salad.
The schnitzel was the tenderest I have ever tasted.
Guess there is something to be said about a place that has a limited menue and specializes in one thing - they are bound to do that one thing really well and that sure is the case here.
We will be back!
After supper we headed to the movie theatre.
I was full so I didn't order popcorn but I couldn't resist a frozen yogurt with all my favorite toppings.

We saw two movies - Baby Driver.
Not what I was expecting but I liked it.
There were lots of great tunes in the movie - the soundtrack will be a good one.

Then we saw Wonder Woman - also a great movie.
It was a full day and I loved spending time with My Honey.
We have another whole day tomorrow to do more of the same.
Now for a trip down memory lane.
Because we often go away the first week in July - there have been lots of memories popping up on Facebook.
Makes me miss our trips to NYC in a way but we were there in April so wouldn't have gone in July this year regardless.
I will just reminisce through these photos instead.
July 1, 2014
Three years ago while we were in NYC we took a train trip to Washington DC for the day
We actually went on June 30 but I didn't post the pictures until the next day so it popped up on todays memories.
Here I am outside of the White House.
It is so cool to see these iconic things in person.
There were armed guards everywhere, even guarding the fountains that we later went to dip our feet in because it was so freaking hot that day.

We took a hop on/hop off bus tour and got off in George town - My Honey thought the stairs from The Exorcist were near by (he knows so much random stuff) and he was right.
We of course had to go down them.
We also took a tour of Ford's Theatre while we were there.
This is the balcony where Abe Lincoln was sitting when he was shot.
It's kind of surreal to think about what that must have been like at the time.
Just an fyi too - the seats at the theatre are tiny - people must have been much smaller back then.
Then for Canada Day, we had tickets to see the Kelly & Michael show.
It's cool to see these things live but you have to wait in the line forever to get in so it kind of eats up a big chunk of a day.
They were looking for volunteers to play games with Kelly & Michael for the 4th of July show they were filming later that day and they really wanted My Honey to do it.
They asked him a couple of times but he wouldn't go for it.
Now in hind sight, I wish one of us would have volunteered - opportunities like that don't come along often and it would have been a great memory.
Kelly Osborne was a guest that day.
I didn't bring my good camera because I didn't figure I would be allowed to use it but I would have been - this was the best shot I could get zooming in with my phone.
They had the winners of last years Coney Island hot dog eating contest there as guests too.
I am astounded by how many hot dogs they can eat - pretty amazing actually.

After the show - we were hungry so we headed to one of our favorite spots in NYC.
This is our annual trip to Schnipper's - we saw it on an episode of Throw Down with Bobby Flay and had to give it a try.
We have been back every trip since - they have Salted Caramel Milk Shakes that are divine.

and no trip to NYC is every complete without a pecan square and and almond treat!

This was just another treat we happened to try - I thought it looked so pretty.
Our New York trips are never diet friendly.
We went to Mario Battalli's restaurant Babbo for supper.
It was super pricey - most upscale place I've ever been to.
The food was good but not sure if I would ever go back.
We went because My Honey is a big Mario fan.
We finished the night off with a show...
The Cripple of Inishmaan
Daniel Radcliff (better known as Harry Potter) was the lead and he did a good job I thought.
If there are any celebreties starring in shows while we are there we at least try to see one of them.
We have noticed that they are usually in plays and we prefer musicals so we try to just pick one that we really want to see.
July 1, 2015
We landed in NYC right on Canada Day in 2015.
Looking pretty spry after a long flight don't you think?
We had tickets to a show that afternoon so we headed right over to that area and found a place to eat.
We came across a little french place Rue 57 that looked good so we gave it a shot.

I started off my vacation with a scrumptious salad - I must admit it didn't continue on that way though.

My Honey had the sliders and fries...

I had the garlic parmesan fries (so yummy)...

and a burger.
It was a great meal.
We thought we would go back but have never made it - just too many options in New York I guess.
After our meal we headed to our show.
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir at Carnegie Hall.
What an awesome performance - we loved it.
The building itself is just spectacular.
Carnagie Selfie!
Now onto July 1, 2016

We spend last Canada Day bumming around Brooklyn.
There was supposed to be a bunch of food trucks at this park that it took us a bit to find but when we did find it, there was only one food truck.
It was some kind of mexian food, I can't quite remember what it was, but it was good.

We walked all over the place and passed this little bakery so we had to stop in and give it a try.
I had this Passionfruit tart which was absolutely divine.
So good in fact that we made another trip out there just to get one a couple of days later.
I am a huge passionfruit fan and try it every time I have a chance in whatever form it happens to be in.
Funnily enough - I have never tasted fresh passion fruit though, one of these days I will.

We decided to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge again - we had done it a few years earlier - and the skies just opened up.
We aren't looking too sopping wet though - we had tried to find coverage but there wasn't much to be found so we just went with the flow.

We were treated to a nice rainbow when the rain did stop.

We saw a terrific show that night
School of Rock
The young kids that performed in it were great - one of my favorites shows - it was a lot of fun.
Well that's it - phew!
A lot of pictures for today but I love making new memories then documenting them so I can later go for a stroll down memory lane just like this.
Until next time, be happy!



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